>Two new songs by Massgrav


Just uploaded two new songs from the upcoming Massgrav album.
The album title: This War Will Be Won By Meat Eaters
Sound Pollution (USA) is releasing the album as usual, and hopefully it’ll be out this summer.

We were kind of satisfied with the sound at first, but decided we could do better in the mix. It took us forever, and we remixed the whole thing three times – and I’m still not 100% satisfied. I guess that’s impossible, but anyway…
I seriously can’t understand those big boys spending months and months on mixing an album (just look at Metallica and the recording of the Black album where they spend like six months just recording the hihat…). It’s so goddamn boring, and in the end I think we’d done better with the very first mix of raw material. We play “scandithrash fastcore” (japanese review quote), not Metallica metal, and we pretty much like to bang it out in one weekend and then it’s done and over with. Not this time, though.
And I really hate mixing, because it always sounds good in the studio, but when you get back home it’s a totally different story. So no matter what the fuck you do in the studio, it doesn’t really matter, cuz it won’t sound like that anyway. Seems like it’s pure luck if you get it right. I mean, we even did the classic Entombed trick: we listened to the album in a car stereo!

But what the hell, it’ll hopefully turn out cool in the end, some will like it and others will hate it, and some crazy people will even be willing to buy it off Ebay for hundreds of dollars thinking it’s rare or something…

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