All posts by Indy

Movie review: Beasts of No Nation (2015)

War is hell, and even more so when it’s seen through the eyes of a child.

Beasts of No Nation” is powerful, majestic, dark and emotional. It’s easily one of the best movies I’ve seen lately, and definitely one of the best war films in a very long time. Cary Joji Fukunaga, probably most known for his work with ”True Detective”, is from now on one of my fave movie makers. He gets almost everything right, especially the really hard things, like making things seem authentic.

I’m always impressed when actors are so good you don’t realize they’re acting, and I usually hate child actors. These boys are amazing all the way through (hail Abraham “Agu” Attah!), and I’d really like to know how Fukunaga worked with them.

Along with some really good footage (the camera work is astounding at times) and a moving but depressing story (child soldiers in Africa), ”Beasts of No Nation” is quite a ride that should not be missed by anyone. It might be missing that little extra which makes you praise the Lord and shit, but in a world dominated by bad Hollywood films, this one is a true killer.

Rated: 4 / 5

Movie review: The Lobster (2015)

Having thoroughly enjoyed Yorgos Lanthimos’ ”Dogtooth”, one of the absolute highlights of 2009, my expectations were high. ”The Lobster” didn’t disappoint, but I wasn’t thrilled either.

This film obviously has a really odd feel to it, being some kind of dark dystopian comedy. It’s a little too much comedy for my taste, even though it’s a deep movie, essentially about loneliness and modern day relationship problems. I’d prefer a more serious take on these subjects, but maybe that’s because I’m not in the mood for joking about right now. It certainly has its dark moments as well, which makes it really interesting.

”The Lobster” is slow, bizarre and sometimes bordering on the surreal, and I will definitely watch it again, hopefully in a different state of mind. It’s absolutely worth it.

Btw, the voice-over (amongst other things) made me think of ”The Grand Budapest Hotel” and a deeply depressed/disturbed Wes Anderson. Good or bad? You decide.

Rated: 3,5 / 5

The best releases of 2013

The best releases are those that I’ve listened to for hours and hours and hours, and I still keep coming back. It just happened to be five tapes this time. It’s not a hipster thing, it’s a “great music”-thing.


Tusen År Under Jord – Sorgsendömet Fobos (Hibiskofon)
This is the best stuff I’ve heard in years. When listening I think of really old black and white movies, surreal landscapes, dense forests in the north and inbreds worshipping elder gods in claustrophobic caves. This is sincere emotional melancholy, without asking for help or understanding. It just looms and breathes on its own. Twisted strings, weak organs and disturbing darkness lies ahead. Listen to this excerpt.
Dusa, another nice freak, was the first one to release a cassette on this promising small label. Make sure you check him out as well. It’s amazingly good stuff.

D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. – S/T (Funeral Fog Records)
The strange name Dard Å Rajn Från Det Hebbershålska Samfundet reads like a tribute to my favourite Swedish author Nikanor Teratologen. I got a bit worried when I realised this, cuz most of the times tributes to the man are childish rubbish. Not this time. This tape is a true masterpiece.
I’ve been stuck with old Cold Meat Industry CD:s and Segerhuva/Abisko tapes for so long I kind of got bored with the whole thing. I haven’t kept track of this ”new” wave of brilliant dark electronic stuff that’s been flooding the market. I still don’t keep track, so I just listen to this tape over and over again. It’s that good.
I’d say the foundation of D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. is a mixture of dark dirty ambient, experimental dub/techno, industrial soundscapes and northern isolationism. Listen here and make up your own mind.
I just got a hold of their brand new release, Det Stora Oväsendet LP (Clan Destine Records), as well as an additional 12” featuring five remixes of the album tracks. First spin = awesome shit from the vaults of Kågedalen/Blåsut. Get it. Now.
Also, make sure you check out Varseblivning (Blodörn) by Isorinne, one of the members of D.Å.R.F.D.H.S. (the other member being Varg).

RiteSe menniskan, hatet, hånet
I wrote about Rite in 2011, being totally blown away by their very first songs. Since then they’ve kept me updated by regularly sending new stuff, and I’ve been blown away every time. This is black metal the way it’s supposed to be: genuinely original, spiritual darkness with religion as base. ”The feeling evoked by the art is everything”, as I wrote back then. This outstanding tape is no exception. This is divine black metal art. Listen.

Irkallian OracleGrave Ekstasis (Bolvärk)
Ritualistic death metal in the vein of the Australian cuckoo-clock freaks known as Portal, minus the technical exercises. This is doomlike, primal and grinding, and a bit more varied than Portal. Some stuff makes me think of Archgoat and Blasphemy, which is a very good thing. Apparently, this is a Swedish band, which makes my jaw drop even further down the spiral. This is Iconoclasm.

Kungens MänHissmusik (Ljudkassett!)
Shameless self-promotion. My band’s first release. Very happy with this one. And since April 2013 we’ve released one live album and five more concept albums (we’ll do one album a month for a whole year)… It’s that easy when you do 100% improvised stuff recorded straight to a wav-file in the rehearsal room.
If you think psychedelic, lenghty trips with a lo-fi vibe sounds interesting, check us out on Spotify, Bandcamp, iTunes and YouTube. It’s all for free.


Other releases that I found interesting (marked in red = a must!).
Probably missed out on tons of good stuff, as usual.

Altaar – S/T
Arckanum – Fenris kindir
Autopsy – The Headless Ritual
Barn Owl – V
Beastiality – Ancient Bell Chimes
Anders Björler – Antikythera
Black Sabbath – 13
Black Trip – Goin’ Under
Bremen – S/T
Coffins – The Fleshland
Dead Soul – In The Darkness
Diskonto – Diskontinued
Earthless – From The Ages
Enforcer – Death By Fire
Föllakzoid – II
Ghost – Infestissumam
Ghostface Killa – Twelve Reasons To Die
Girls Names – The New Life
Gnod – Chaudelande
Ill Bill – The Grimy Awards
Inquisition – Obscure Verses For The Multiverse
In Solitude – Sister
Jacob Kirkegaard – Conversion
Klotet – Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Uppsala
Kongh – Sole Creation
Low – The Invisible Way
Machetazo – Ruin
Miljoner Döda – Ingen väg ut, bara ner (I’m not sure if this is a 2013 release, and I don’t really care. You should check them out.)
Mogwai – Les Revenants
Monachus – Below
Mordbrand – Unmake
my bloody valentine – mvb
Anna Norberg – Darkness/Dance With Death
Obliteration – Black Death Horizon

Ocean Chief – Sten
The Oscillation – From Tomorrow
Oscillotron – Eclipse
Parasit – Välj din egen bödel
Pest – The Crowning Horror
Pentagram (Chile) – The Malefice
Portal – Vexovoid
Psychic Ills – One Track Mind
Pyramido – Saga
Quasimoto – Yessir Whatever
Serpent Omega – S/T
Terra Tenebrosa – The Purging
Tormented – Death Awaits
Tribulation – The Formulas of Death
Usurpress/Bent Sea – Split 10″
Varg – Misantropen
Verminous – The Unholy Communion
Voivod – Target Earth
Watain – The Wild Hunt
White Hills – So You Are… So You’ll Be
Chelsea Wolfe – Pain Is Beauty
Yuri Gagarin – S/T
Ättestupa – Musik för tomma rum

//The end


I found some truly beautiful photos shot by Tom Hussey the other day. Old people now and what they once were. The photos are part of his series “Mirrors” and tell the story of the quick passing of time, the memories of life and the inevitable death. At least that’s what they made me reflect upon. I though about my parents who are getting older every time I see them. Meaning, I can see that now. I didn’t really notice before.
Memento mori

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Kungens Män


Just a quick update about the band I’m playing in.
On Friday May 17th we did our very first show, opening for Masters Musicians of Bukkake at the f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c. Truckstop Alaska venue in Gothenburg, Sweden. Great people, great sound, great atmosphere… The perfect place for anyone to do a gig, really. From now on we can only expect a downward spiral in our career… It was that good.

The full concert is up on YouTube with amazing sound quality and amazingly poor picture quality.

More stuff here:
Spotify – Two albums available for your listening pleasure.
BandcampTransportkatalogen, a digital release available for free (or name your price).
Soundcloud – A whole bunch of songs not available elsewhere. Free downloads as well.
Facebook – Photos, exclusives, merch and more.
Ljudkassett – Great tape label! Support.