Category Archives: music

>Music that matters: ASS


I went to a great show with Earth yesterday (old interview here), who did much better than last time I saw them. Check out a clip from the Hamburg show here, the band playing a new song tentatively entitled Elocution Butchery or something like that… (thanks to Prof. mugabe for getting the title right!)
Having seen them now I’ll be able to check out the mad man Eugene S. Robinson at the Roadburn festival instead.

However, the photos and videos here are courtesy of ASS (Andreas Söderström Solo). He, along with two friends, did an awesome show as well. Very minimalistic (yet majestic), hypnotic, dark, melancholic folk that’s got to be heard.
Listen and learn. More info at Headspin Recordings.

>DSO – Obedience to the point of death


Man that is born of a woman
hath but a short time to live,
and is full of misery.
He cometh up, and is cut down like a flow’r;
he flee’th as it were a shadow,
and ne’er continueth in one stay.

In the midst of life we are in death:
of whom may we seek for succour,
but of thee, O Lord,
who for our sins art justly displeased?
Yet, O Lord God most holy,
O Lord most mighty,
O holy and most merciful Saviour,
deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death.

Thou knowest, Lord,
the secrets of our hearts;
shut not thy merciful ears to our prayer;
but spare us,
Lord most holy,
O God most mighty,
O holy and merciful Saviour,
thou most worthy judge eternal,
suffer us not, at our last hour,
for any pains of death,
to fall from thee.

Who shall change our vile body,
that it may be fashioned like to his glorious body,
according to the working
whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself.

I heard a voice from heaven
saying unto me, write,
from henceforth
blessed are the dead,
which die in the Lord,
ev’n so said the Spirit,
for they rest,
from their labours.

Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.

Our Father
which art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day
our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
that trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil

Religion, as fascinating and beautiful as it is disgusting and ugly. The hand that strangles and the hand that heals is the same… This is shown with true perfection by Deathspell Omega, especially on the Kénôse EP. They bring forth the ultimate combination of music and ideology, philosophy and theology, life and death.
Here below are the sounds of the first song on this amazing album.
Click here for the lyrics.

>Electronica (bc)

>In case you ever wondered what these DJ:s actually do when turning them knobs back and forth, here’s a video that might give you an idea of what’s going on. This is live beatmaking with the KORG Electribe MX.

I was heavily into the electronic music scene back in the early 90’s and I still enjoy a lot of that stuff, such as the old Warp classics: Sabres of Paradise Sabresonic, B12 Electro-Soma and Time Tourist, Black Dog Productions Bytes, Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92, Autechre Amber, everything by Plastikman… “Intelligent techno” or “Intelligent Dance Music” as it was called back then. Cheesy as fuck.
Here are some cool tracks that still kill.

Plastikman – Pakard
from the Artifakts (bc) album (1998)
Although released in 1998 the music was composed in 1994-95,
to be featured on an album called Klinik, which was scrapped by Hawtin. The (bc) is actually an acronym for “Before Consumed”, Consumed (1998) being the album that followed Musik (1994).
Richie Hawtin aka Plastikman – such an amazing producer,
a dark acid minimalist genius if there ever was one!

The Sabres of Paradise – Clock Factory
from the Sabresonic album (1993)

B12 – VOID/Comm
from the Time Tourist album (1996)

Black Dog Productions – Object Orient
from the Bytes album (1993)

Aphex Twin – Hedphelym
from the Selected Ambient Works 85-92 album (1992)
This is not really an ambient album in its true sense.
Selected Ambient Works II (1994) is more like it,
and it’s also one of the darkest and best electronic albums ever.
Check out the video below for a quick album walkthrough.

>Darkthrone – How low can a punk get?

>I was asked to write a review of Darkthrone’s latest album for Sweden Rock Magazine. I won’t translate it for all you non-Swedish readers, but the bottom line is this: It sucks. I rated it 2 out of 10.
I have nothing against Darkthrone per se, though. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Fenriz, and I even think he likes the band I’m in. He’s a funny guy. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the album sucks, and it’s even suckier than The Cult Is Alive (2006) and F.O.A.D. (2007), which says a lot. This, of course, having to do with me being a huge fan of their old material.
After Panzerfaust (1995) Darkthrone was dead to me. They made quite a return with Hate Them (2003), finding a new kind of twisted darkness to their metal, somewhat regaining a little bit of their integrity. When Sardonic Wrath (2004) turned out to be a rather bleak copy of the previous effort I lost interest again. Still, whenever there’s a new Darkthrone album I must listen to it. But for the past five years it’s been an utterly disappointing experience…
The four albums below are my kind of Darkthrone – each and everyone of them a powerful display of that eerie darkness they were able to call forth back in the day. I’d rate all four of them 9 out of 10 without hesitation.

But as always, it’s just a matter of taste. I just find it too bad they’re raping their old past with this “hiking metal punk” bullshit using the name Darkthrone. It’s blasphemy – the stupid way.
Now, here’s the review.

Dark Thrones and Black Flags

Möt Gylve och Ted, Norges motsvarigheter till Sveriges buskisduo Stefan & Krister. År 2008 finner vi dem allra längst ner på botten bland det sämsta avskräde till musik ni kan tänka er. Ungefär så. Ok, kanske inte riktigt så, men efter att ha följt duon sedan fantastiska ”A Blaze in The Northern Sky” (1992) känns det verkligen vidrigt att plöja denna dynga i stereon.
Visst, till en början förstod jag ärligt talat inte Darkthrones storhet, men efterhand växte de gamla plattorna till de monumentala mästerverk de verkligen är. Med ”Ravishing Grimness” (1999) och ”Plaguewielder” (2001) började det gå utför, medan ”Hate Them” (2003) var en uppryckning till det bättre. ”Sardonic Wrath” (2004) var en blekare kopia av föregångaren, varpå det sedan slog fullständigt slint på ”The Cult is Alive” (2006). Dålig buskismetalpunk förpestad med dålig buskislyrik – varför? Efterföljande ”F.O.A.D.” (2007) var också rena skiten och med nya ”Dark Thrones and Black Flags” når mupparna således botten. All form av integritet och trovärdighet är spårlöst försvunnen.
Lyriken är sannerligen värdelös: ”When… comets crrackh! Witch getto attakk / Remain secret / Brandish steel / Black metal is unreal”. Jaha?
Och när Fenriz listar och kommenterar favoritband i slutet av CD-häftet blir man än mer förbannad: ”If you think real metal has something to do with blast beats and corpse paint, go somewhere else!”. Detta tröttsamma tjat om vad som är riktig metal i både texter och kommentarer gör mig ömsom fullständigt matt ömsöm vilt rasande. Karln får hålla käften och ägna sig åt något värdigt istället.
Fenriz må vara en go gubbe, ha skön musiksmak och sporta tokroliga tatueringar, och Nocturno Culto har förmodligen också några sympatiska sidor, men det förtar verkligen inte det faktum att Darkthrone anno 2008 stinker.
Det som en gång i tiden (mellan 1992-1996) var ett fantastiskt black metal-band som skapade stor lyrik och stor musik är idag ett stort skämt. Åtminstone om man jämför med det gamla – och det måste man göra. Hade de valt ett annat bandnamn för detta plojprojekt hade jag kunnat skippa jämförelsen. Nu släpar de Darkthrones goda namn i smutsen och det kan väl ingen som gillar det gamla tycka är bra? Skulle ni digga om Stefan & Krister började lira black metal? I så fall är det här en tiopoängare. (2/10)

>Funeral Fog VS Life Eternal


Click the images to enlarge
The kids never give up…
Soccer training.

Another field, another team.

Yet another field.

Today was such a grey and misty day almost all photos turned out black & white. I thought I’d aptly add Mayhem’s brilliant Funeral Fog here, but I found the even more brilliant rehearsal version of Life Eternal instead, the one recorded May 16, 1992. I really like it this way, neither Dead nor Attila present, just voiceless…