Category Archives: music

>Roadburn 2009 – The videos

The Roadburn Festival 2009 in Tilburg, Holland, was amazing. “Four days of food, smoke and fun”, as The Grass Company puts it. And a little bit of music as well…
I will write a report for Sweden Rock Magazine later on, but for now enjoy the videos I shot with my tiny Canon Ixus 75 camera.

Neurosis – Through Silver In Blood (Part 1/2)

Neurosis – Through Silver In Blood (Part 2/2)

White Hills


Bohren Und Der Club of Gore
Midnight Black Earth


>Promoe – Svennebanan lyrics + mp3 + video

>Personally I think Promoe lost his vibe back on the White Man’s Burden album (2006), but he’s always on point anyway. Read the lyrics (in Swedish…) and enjoy the genius video. It says pretty much everything about Sweden’s disgusting average Joes… Hate them!
More Promoe lyrics in this post: Sweden – a totalitarian regime?
Listen/DL here (crap quality, but still…)

tack som fan kap kun kap
koh pangan koh tao khao lak

fuck it i phuket pingpong show

kalla folket för tjingtjonghoes

trekant i grekland leka stekarn

bakfull redan fredag
mallis kanarieholmarna

mickey dee’s ha barn i bollhavet

en riktig stilikon med silikon

bor i samma stad som du vill ifrån

kvinnomisshandel solariebrännna

fixa mat vad fan har vi hemma

soppatorsk och foppatofflor

barnen nersjunkna i tv-soffor

ordning o reda lådvin på fredag

kunskap från wikipedia

ångesten ingen vet
minnesluckor barn med syrran

vill alltid vara kvar i fyllan

dansa bugg lyssna på carola
manikyr permanenta håret

återträff med högstadieklassen
avundsjuka på överklassen

och gilla kungafamiljen
spyr utav dagen-efter-piller

skvaller o hänt i veckan

grannen hembränt o bläckan
nätpoker karaoke

man kan ju inte bara ha tråkigt

finlandsfärja bon jovi-covers

living on a prayer looptroop rockers

raggarbilar power meet

gällivarehäng fan va fint
fyllebråk på mc donalds
gå hem o bli rånad
ungefär en gång månan
lönehelg försök o svälj
stoltheten ur en ölbutelj

en stor stark o hotshot

hur länge har det pågått
skit i det gonatt o sov gott

>Right now: Listening! (Roadburn Pt.1)

I’m leaving for Tilburg, Holland, and the mighty Roadburn Festival on Wednesday. Here are some of the bands I’ll be worshipping a couple of days from now.


Ufomammut opens up the festival at 4 PM. This is Stigma, opening track on the extremely fat Idolum album.
Listen to the doom apocalyse beginning at 03:35.
Thee mighty riff!

Endless Drifting Wreck.
Like Joy Division in space…

Rose Kemp!
Beautiful. Cool video as well.

Black Sun!
Disintegrate To Khrist.

No Evil.

>The Wire Magazine – One of the best yet


A couple of years ago I was a fanatic fan of The Wire Magazine, easily one of the best music magazines ever. I remember being so bummed about not ever being able to find all the cool records and artists they wrote about (this was before the internet boom and I lived in a shed in a forest of darkness without money, food, water, air, earth, fire… kind of). All I could do was sit at home dreaming about that stuff, in the end making music by myself and in a way trying to simulate what I imagined some of those records would sound like.
Looking back it’s obvious that The Wire made a huge impact on me and the way I listen to music. I discovered so many great artists – artists that I still rank super high today. It’s the kind of stuff I always return to. Check the covers below and you’ll see what I mean… I worship most of those bands and their creative efforts.

Somehow, when record labels started making use of the internet for real, I kind of lost interest in that particular kind of obscure music. Damn stupid move. Nowadays it’s easy as fuck getting hold of the stuff they’re writing about, but back then it was kind of a drag.
Every now and then I return to my collection of magazines, or I simply buy a new copy and just get going with listening to and ordering some really cool albums from artists I’ve never heard of. The Wire has that effect on me – it inspires and makes me want to listen to music. It doesn’t speculate about uninteresting shit like family tragedies, abortions and mindless crap like that that has got so little to do with music and so much to do with profit, wanting to sell loads of magazines to loads of idiots. No, The Wire deals with quality and reality, pretty much like the amazing TV series
Way before music like Sunn 0))) became the latest hype among sheep, The Wire was writing about the most extreme sounds of the underground. The first issue was unleashed in May 1982 (!) and started out as a jazz magazine (“jazz, improvised music and…”), and then gradually expanded its content to “modern jazz” like noise, avant garde, techno, dub, drum’n’bass, rap and experimentalism. The tagline says it all: Adventures in modern music.

Now pay tribute to the kings of experimental coverage by visiting the Wire site, read the fresh Sunn 0))) interview and perhaps consider buying an issue or two. It’s well worth it.
Come to think of it, the modern online record store equivalent of the magazine could very well be Dotshop… Check it out as well. Then go b.a.n.a.n.a.s. with your VISA card.

>Music that matters: ASS


I went to a great show with Earth yesterday (old interview here), who did much better than last time I saw them. Check out a clip from the Hamburg show here, the band playing a new song tentatively entitled Elocution Butchery or something like that… (thanks to Prof. mugabe for getting the title right!)
Having seen them now I’ll be able to check out the mad man Eugene S. Robinson at the Roadburn festival instead.

However, the photos and videos here are courtesy of ASS (Andreas Söderström Solo). He, along with two friends, did an awesome show as well. Very minimalistic (yet majestic), hypnotic, dark, melancholic folk that’s got to be heard.
Listen and learn. More info at Headspin Recordings.