All posts by Indy

>The world itself


I dont regard my state of mind as some pessimistic view of the world.
I regard it as the world itself.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.

Cormac McCarthy’s play (which some people believe reads more like a novel) has been called “a poem in celebration of death”. I have yet to put my hands on anything by McCarthy that is nothing short of amazing, and The Sunset Limited is no exception.

However, I don’t find this play to be such an awesome literary experience as compared to Blood Meridian, for example, and that’s quite obvious since this is a play. Here is no Cormac painting pictures in your mind, here is none of that superb prose you’re used to, but here are these two men talking about the meaning and the meaninglessness of life, death, God, faith and other fairly intangible ideas, and that’s about it.

I didn’t know about this play until I found out about the movie adaptation. Starring Tommy Lee Jones as White and Samuel L. Jackson as Black, this is one tough battle for the human soul. In a way, these two dudes represent two extremes, and also, to be honest, two stereotypes. At least that’s what I make out of it. The black man being an ex-prisoner, a murderer, who found God in jail, and the white man being a professor and an atheist. That’s pretty stereotype, isn’t it? So, at times, the dialogue gets pathetic.

Black relies entirely on his faith in the Bible and White believes in Culture. Or believed, rather. Because apparently, White just tried to commit suicide. He has lost his faith in Culture and the human condition: “The things I believe in don’t exist anymore”. White has awoken to the real world around him, and the real world is evil. Interpreting the play in this way, I find it superb. It’s pretty much what I’ve been trying to say all along. Thus, I can cope with some parts being rather simple-minded.

I yearn for the darkness. I pray for death. Real death. If I thought that in death I would meet the people I’ve known in life I don’t know what I’d do. That would be the ultimate horror. The ultimate despair. If I had to meet my mother again and start all of that all over, only this time without the prospect of death to look forward to?
Well. That would be the final nightmare. Kafka on wheels.

This is Cormac McCarthy without the surrounding mythos and tension and atmosphere. Also, he has left the territories he knows best: man in nature, the nature of the beast, the nature of man. A lot of true critics say he’s not working as well without the atmosphere and stuff, but I say fuck that shit… Sure, I’m a fanboy, and highly biased, but I think my mind is clear enough to say that this is some pretty good dope for the soul. The subjects he’s dealing with are pretty much the same as always, although in a more accepted way, so to speak. I think this dialogue speaks to more people than Blood Meridian, for example. The Sunset Limited is straight to the point, while Blood Meridian is almost occult and obscure in perspective. 

As for the movie VS the play, I’d say I enjoyed the movie more (despite the bad editing). Maybe because I’m not used to reading plays and all, and I really like the acting of Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel Jackson.
As always, you decide.

Show me a religion that prepares one for death. For nothingness.
There’s a church I might enter.

>My work is not yet done / Stand for Mr. H.P. Lovecraft


I don’t know why you keep returning to this blog since I rarely update anylonger, but about 150 unique visits a day must mean something. Are you morbid?
I will try to awaken this site for real, but the time is not yet right. Hopefully I’ll be able to write at least a couple of articles every month if all goes as planned, but don’t expect that to happen in a near future, though. Everyday life tends to get in the way of everyday hate…

On December 5 2006 I wrote this in my very first post:
”You may come to hate me for what I write because it may challenge your mind and what you believe is true”.
Sounds like something out of the X-Files, but truth is, I’ve received quite a lot of strange anonymous e-mails from hateful sionist weaklings over the years. None of them ever cared for an open debate. That’s how they uphold their lies, by lurking in the shadows. Facts can never be anti-Semitic.

Anyway, just wanted to post this to let all you freaks who keep returning to this hollow shell know that my work here is not yet done.
I’m coming back. I will return. And I’ll possess your body and I’ll make you burn.
Now Lovecraft.

‘Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a little fed up with the world.’

Time and time again I praise this magnificent essay, Against the World, Against Life, written by Michel Houellebecq. However, it seems like it’s hard to get a hold of the Swedish translation. The essay is too good not to be read, so in order for you to worship I’ll at least give you the English copy in all its PDF glory. Enjoy!
Download here.

By the way, one possible anagram for ”The meaning of life” is ”The fine game of nil”.

>The best albums of 2010


I’m getting old. It’s either that, or music is getting boring. Just like last year I feel I haven’t been catching up with what the hell is going on in this shithole filled with music. In my mind, the very best albums of 2010 were all black metal albums: Lawless Darkness, Paracletus, Stained Glass Revelations, Belus and Ominous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm.

Last year I was complaining about how shitty the rap scene really is. Same thing this year. Until yesterday I had only one rap record on the list, but then Master Skråd posted a video with one helluva good dude named Roc Marciano. I haven’t even heard his name before, but Marcberg is insanely good! This is like the perfect blend of Raekwon, Mobb Deep and Madlib. I’ve only listened to the album six times (since yesterday…), but it feels like a true rap classic already. We’ll see about that in a year or two.

Still, lots of really good releases, of course. Here’s the stuff I’ve enjoyed during the year, stuff that’s definitely worthy of your attention. Hopefully you’ll discover something new.
Click on the band name for GaySpace.

ArckanumSviga Lae
AutopsyThe Tomb Within
Bloody PhoenixDeath To Everyone
Bombs of HadesChambers of Abominations
Bonnie Prince BillyThe Wonder Show of The World
Celph Titled & BuckwildNineteen Ninety Now
Deathspell Omega – Paracletus
Electric WizardBlack Masses
GhostOpus Eponymous
Grand Magus – Hammer of The North
High On Fire – Snakes For The Divine
Hofmästarn med Roffe RuffPanterparken
Hour of 13The Ritualist
InquisitionOminous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
IntermentInto The Crypts of Blasphemy
Iron MaidenThe Final Frontier
Massgrav / Blood I Bleed – SPLIT
MelvinsThe Bride Screamed Murder
Modorra – The Putrid
MotorpsychoHeavy Metal Fruit
OkkultokratiNo Light For Mass
PP7 Gaftzeb And The Tormentors of 1984Preaching The Gospel To The Non-Believers
ProfanaticaDisgusting Blasphemies Against God
Pyramido / Suma – SPLIT
RamessesTake The Curse
Roc MarcianoMarcberg
StenchIn Putrescence

Svarte GreinerPenpals Forever (And Ever)
SwansMy Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky
TidGiv Akt
TriptykonEparistera Daimones
U.S. ChristmasRun Thick In The Night
WatainLawless Darkness
White HillsWhite Hills
Wildbirds & PeacedrumsRivers
ÄttestupaBegraven Mot Norr

>A need to discover the dark


The world of the occult and the obscure, the hidden and the haunted… It might just be a load of bollocks to most, but to me it represents the inner cravings of the human psyche. A need to discover the dark, as Jon Nödtveidt once put it.

The human mind and the core of humanity is reflected in the darkness of man, and this is what’s of interest to those who seek beyond the everyday boredom of life. If you fear the unknown, you probably prefer television before the secrets of the black arts…
Or simply put: Fantasy is more interesting than reality.

But ok, most of the writings on the left hand path are a load of bollocks. It’s pretty much new age crap. Lame as fuck. At least that’s my opinion having read or skimmed through quite a bunch of books on the subject.

However, bollocks or not, some of the texts below makes my mind wander when all hope is gone – and that’s all I crave. It’s like reading a good book of fiction. That’s how I look at most things I read. Reading academic stuff like an academic takes the fun out of reading. Most importantly, the mind must awaken and the soul must be touched, or else I could do with whatever shallow shit that’s on TV at any given moment.

So here are a bunch of basic works that I’ve found interesting in many ways. If you’re into the imagery and lyrics of the occult metal scene, you should definitely take notice.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Psychedelic Experience – A manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary
An essay about the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Annie Shapiro
The Kaballah Unveiled
The Art and Meaning of Magic (contains the Iron Maiden quotes “I Am He! The Bornless One!”)
The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
The Magical Revival
The Lives of the Necromancers

For deeper dwelling I highly recommend The Doctrine of Awakening by Julius Evola. It just might deserve its own article… We’ll see about that.

Related posts about religion:
The meaning of the curse
Belief and Bloodshed: The Religion of Genocide
The Louse of Holy Name
Jehova, Christ, Lucifer and Satan
Religion and its influence on society
DSO – Obedience to the point of death
Prayin’ hard – Jim Goad
Show me a man who is good
Nietzsche – Revalutation of all values!