Well, the thing is: It’s not a vote for piracy.
(For pretty much the same opinion in Swedish,
read this great editorial written by Eva Franchell, Aftonbladet.)
I promised myself not to vote anymore, but promises are made to be broken, so… Here’s why I vote for The Pirate Party in the European Parliament elections 2009.
I think a statement need to be made. Things need to change, because this doesn’t have to be a game for the elite anylonger.
So, piracy then… No, it’s not about being able to snatch whatever you want off the internet.
It’s about the society we’re facing, not even in a distant future, but now, right now, where corrupt judges who know virtually nothing about the internet violate civil rights, where FRA rule, where IPRED is a fact, where ordinary companies have become extraordinary cops, where freedom is at stake – pretty much because the people in power don’t understand what’s going on. These people are more interested in profit than human rights.
You think this ”freedom” talk is exaggerated? Look at France and their recently adopted HADOPI law.
You think The Pirate Bay trial was legit? Then let’s make all post offices responsible for providing the infrastructure for illegal sharing of drugs, weapons et cetera, and sue the shit out of them.
Yes, The Pirate Party is a silly name. And they look silly as well, and their logo is childish. But why care about looks? Most people don’t even know what The Pirate Party is all about.
Just to pick an example: I bet 90% of the Swedish population thinks that The Pirate Party wants to abolish copyright law. Not true.
Usually I’d be a Green Party/Left Party kinda guy, even though I detest party politics, as well as the obsolete left/right scale (check the results of my political tests here). But regarding these specific issues, The Green Party and The Left Party are not as well equipped as The Pirate Party, even though they – on the surface – have pretty much the same opinions regarding these issues.
The problem is that The Green/Left Party have about a billion other issues to deal with, hence they won’t have a billionth of the time (that The Pirate Party has) to deal with what I believe to be the most important question of today – civil rights. The more issues you have to deal with, the less energy is put into each and everyone of them. That’s why The Pirate Party ought to be so much stronger than The Green Party and The Left Party altogether – regarding these specific issues.
Because The Pirate Party is pretty much only interested in integrity and civil/human rights. That’s their strenght. They’re acting childish and stupid when it comes to other issues, but here they rule.
”If you don’t believe that civil rights is the most important political issue right now, then don’t vote for us.” That’s a direct quote from the leader of the pack, Rick Falkvinge.
I’m not sure how much power they will have if they get elected, but my vote is cast with hope so that these issues are constantly being dealt with by people who know what they’re talking about.
Try it, you’ll like it!