Category Archives: music
>Watain uncut / Funeral Mist Maranatha

When writing reviews I always tend to write way too lenghty. I wrote a review for the Watain/Grand Magus/Die Hard-gig for Sweden Rock Magazine, and of course the editors had to cut it in half. With their kind permission I hereby publish the whole review uncut.
But first: The latest issue of Sweden Rock Magazine features a great interview with Arioch of Funeral Mist, revealing that Funeral Mist is releasing a new album in February. This is without a doubt the best thing that will happen to black metal in the year of 2009!
I actually learned about this at the night of the Watain gig – about two months ago – and I promised not to tell. It’s been hard keeping that promise, but I did. Now, the arrival of Maranatha should soon be upon us. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty…
In Swedish of course…
Världens enda sanna black metal-band just nu? Det beror givetvis på hur man ser på saken, men att Watain, som denna kväll firar tio år som band, står relativt ohotade på tronen är det nog få som bestrider. Sällan har väl ett band varit så genuint hängivet sina ideal som dessa Uppsalas mest beundrade och föraktade. Vid merchandiseborden finns en mindre utställning att skåda där gamla fotografier och flyers samsas om utrymmet på väggarna. Här finns även en lista över bandets alla framträdanden och den visar tydligt hur hänsynslöst de tre bista herrarna har marscherat från ingenstans till överallt på kort tid. Att mörkret sprider sig så snabbt är måhända en markör för nutidens tillstånd, samtidigt som det naturligtvis visar upp en ytterst målmedveten och enträgen grupp människor.
Die Hard, thrashbandet som väl får ses som en enda lång hyllningskör till Venom, öppnar denna regnmörka kväll på Uppsala Konsert & Kongress. Här återfinns Watains trummis Håkan Jonsson och han är den stora behållningen under detta gig. Helikopterbangande batterister är bra för Sverige.
Och på tal om scenen: Die Hard har som trio oerhört svårt att fylla den. Det känns ganska stelt, vilket ju blir helt fel för ett band av den här typen, där det egentligen handlar om att headbanga, supa och leva djävul. Hade de lirat på Kafé 44 med fullständiga rättigheter klockan elva på kvällen en lönehelg i augusti inför en packad publik hade de tveklöst varit minst dubbelt så bra. De förlorar mycket på den stora scenen, på att spela först och på att få tycks vara bekanta med låtarna. Det är således inte bandets fel att det blir aningen tungrott. De är som bäst i ”Evil Always Returns” och Venom-covern ”Die Hard”, låten som förmodligen är grunden till bandets existens. Den fylleheadbangande publiken har endera inte hittat till lokalen i tid eller inte fått i sig tillräckligt med alkohol och därför blir giget därefter. (4)
Die Hard har även problem med att fylla ut tomrummet som bildas när det vankas gitarrsolo, något som efterföljande Grand Magus inte drabbas av, trots att även de är en trio. Mats Fox Skinners basspel och Sebastian Sippolas trummor mullrar med sådan kraft att Janne Christofferson fritt kan ägna sig åt soloutflykter utan att ljudbilden förlorar trycket. Med ”Iron Will” som ett av årets absolut främsta hårdrocksalbum i ryggen (mer metal än så kan det knappast bli, för att använda ett slitet uttryck) är det fritt fram för Grand Magus att bara gå upp och härska. Jag blir genuint glad och stärkt av deras musik, och det känns som de vidrör vid någon märklig nordisk nerv som tycks löpa genom allt de gör – utan att det känns krystat eller löjligt för fem öre. Här finns en tanke och en hängivelse, även om det i grunden är ren jävla hårdrock det handlar om.
Öppningen med ”Like the Oar Strikes the Water” är grymt bra och när man kommit in i rätt sinnesstämning blir det bara bättre och bättre. Övergången från fantastiska, klassiskt sjuttiotalsmörka och slöa ”Baptised in Fire” till den mycket manliga energiurladdningen ”Kingslayer” är genial och Janne sjunger om möjligt bättre än någonsin. I slutet av ”The Shadow Knows” når han klimax och tankar på Rockbox (radioprogrammet som lade grunden för mitt musikintresse) far genom skallen och jag flinar brett. Det här är tveklöst det bästa jag sett med Grand Magus hittills. Pär Fontander hade dyrkat. (8)
Under hela kvällen har skivor från kvällens födelsedagsbarn spisats flitigt i högtalarna. Tjugo minuter innan de går på scenen ljuder ”Sworn To the Dark” inne i lokalen och ett gäng ynglingar stämmer upp i allsång i refrängerna. De kan inte vänta längre. Peppen är total.
På scen råder febril aktivitet, även om det i stort sett är en enda man som bygger upp hela scendekoren. För faktum är att musiken redan finns där, den är ett med Watain och flyter automagiskt utan problem. Således kan de lägga minst lika mycket kraft på det visuella och skapa det helhetsintryck som skiljer Watain från alla andra band i genren. Och skulle den oheliga treenigheten någon gång presentera en fjärde medlem torde det vara denna Johan Frölund, Watains privata scenograf, som med extrem noggrannhet placerar kranium, stearinljus, uppochnervända kors, skelettdelar, kedjor, allehanda metallkonstruktioner, en nattvardskalk, svarta tygskynken och spetsade djurhuvuden på scenen – givetvis symmetriskt korrekt placerat och enligt symbolikens alla regler. Djävulen finns i detaljerna.
Värt att notera är att Watain för kvällen begagnar sig av tre egna säkerhetsvakter vid scenen, varav en är Sweden Rocks egen black metal-filosof Niklas Göransson och en annan Marcus Tena från sorgligt förbisedda Triumphator. Väktarna hade enligt uppgift förhållningsorder om att slå ner folk och dricka ”Sprite”. Fullkomligt lysande.
”Legions of the Black Light” inleder och följs tätt av ”Devil’s Blood”. Intensitet och fokus går inte att ta miste på och där jag står, längst fram vid sidan av scenen, låter det synnerligen brutalt och mäktigt. Folk ute i publiken klagar senare på grumligt ljud och att gitarrslingorna inte hördes, men det gick åtminstone mig förbi.
Det har utlovats en annorlunda setlist kvällen till ära och vi bjuds på ”Satan’s Hunger”, ”Black Salvation” och ”Rabid Death’s Curse” innan vad som enligt mig är ett av Watains starkaste kort, ”I Am the Earth” exploderar på scenen. Mest nöjd är jag dock med ”The Serpent’s Chalice”, den känslomässigt mest innehållsrika låten från gruppens tredje album ”Sworn to the Dark”, och alltid lika stenhårda ”The Limb Crucifix”. När Erik av misstag går med ansiktet före rakt in i en lie av stål som utgör scendekorationen tycks det bara spä på aggressionen och energin. Pelle Forsberg dominerar sin flank. Set Teitan är sammanbitet iskall i sin totala närvaro. Alvaro vandrar runt likt en förvriden Gene Simmons. Det är fullt jävla ställ, det brinner, stinker och ryker och det är tveklöst en grym konsert vi bevittnar. Niklas Göransson bedyrar senare att det var en av de bästa Watain-konserter han bevittnat, och den mannen har sett en hel del av dessa.
Men i ”Casus Luciferi” händer det. Precis när jag antar att låten tar slut så utlöses brandlarmet! All elektricitet kopplas från, allting tystnar och lokalen lyses upp samtidigt som en röst envetet repeterar ”Please evacuate the building – a fire has been reported”. No shit, Sherlock. Det här bandet begagnar sig nämligen av pyroteknik.
Bandet står lyckligtvis inte handfallna kvar på scenen utan marscherar raskt utan att blinka ner från densamma. Trots det är detta för många definitionen av antiklimax. Jag påminns om Dissections inledning på comebackspelningen där ljudet strulade i första låten, och Mayhems gamla signum ”The curse is eternal” ekar åter i bakhuvudet. Varför i helvete… Men det är bara att acceptera att de ansvariga för lokalen har gjort bort sig. Efter några minuters förvirring går Erik upp på scenen och avslutar konserten med ett magiskt eldtrick och det hela är över. Vi går miste om ”Stellarvore”, ”On Horns Impaled” och ”Storm of the Antichrist”, tre låtar som hade varit en perfekt avslutning. Men samtidigt kan jag inte låta bli att fascineras av det oväntade, det oplanerade som så bryskt kan slita saker itu. Jag gillar det och tror nog att även Watain kan gå i god för styrkan i det kaos som råder.
När folk slutligen börjar lämna lokalen dyker tre förvirrade rökdykare upp. ”Det brinner bara i några kastruller”, säger en svettig besökare och syftar på den eld som flammar i metallkärlen på scenen.
Det är lite synd att Watains gig kommer att förknippas med den abrupta avslutningen, för det har varit en riktigt bra konsert. Däremot tycker jag att valet av lokal kanske inte var det allra bästa. Bandet har tveklöst tvingats kompromissa. Jag var beredd på blod, eld och död, men den stora scenen och det flashiga hak som Uppsala Kongress & Konsert är tillåter inte detta i sin mest fulländade form, och utgör således inte mitt idealställe för black metal av Watains kaliber. Dessutom gör den höga scenen och kravallstaketet att det blir för distanserat.
Idealupplevelsen torde lyda som följer: fös in en hängiven publik likt boskap i en alltför liten lokal som redan då orsakar osäkerhet och rädsla, lås dörren, dränk scenen och väggar med ruttet grisblod, låt även blod droppa konstant från taket, bränn kadaver, låt musiken strömma från alla håll och kanter, ha högt i tak så eldkastare och dylikt kan användas utan problem, skippa kravallstaketet, placera Watain på en låg, mindre scen och låt så helvetet braka loss. Då kan vi snacka om ”no return”. I ett sådant skede delar jag tveklöst ut högsta möjliga betyg.
Watains spelning i Linköping den 25 februari 2006 var oerhört nära detta ideal. Folk flydde mot toaletterna för att spy redan innan bandet hade äntrat scenen. Det är så det ska vara.
Nåväl. Med facit i hand och med tanke på förutsättningarna blir betyget denna gång ändå en klockren åtta. Det som var, det var jävligt bra. (8)
>Propaganda and Propagandhi
When Israel finally allowed journalists to enter Gaza this is what they found. This is what Israel did. And the world’s leaders – the ones who had the power to intervene – did what? They supported the destruction and the killing.
When will we see the people in power punished for their crimes against humanity? When will Israel be forced to its knees?
One thing is clear: The hate among Muslim extremists is now stronger than ever.
Thanks to Jacques de Beaufort for the link.
Links of interest:
So far, Obama missed the point on Gaza… (Robert Fisk, The Independent)
How to Inflame the Entire Muslim World (Gabriel Kolko, Antiwar.com)
In America, Speaking the Truth is a Career-Ending Event (Paul Craig Roberts, Counterpunch.org)
Gaza: latest battle ground of the neo-conservatives for a “New Middle East” (Munir Chalabi, ZMag.org)
Israel’s lies (Henry Siegman, London Book of Reviews)
Propaganda is everywhere, on every side. Therefore it’s of great importance to know who these people are writing these columns. Therefore:
Read more about Robert Fisk here.
Read more about Gabriel Kolko here.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. Read more here.
Munir Chalabi is an Iraqi political and oil analyst living in the UK.
Henry Siegman, director of the US Middle East Project in New York, is a visiting research professor at SOAS, University of London. He is a former national director of the American Jewish Congress and of the Synagogue Council of America.
Speaking of propaganda, I come to think of Canadian punk rock band Propagandhi. But let me make this perfectly clear: I detest all forms of skate punk, ska punk and any of that melodic happy shit from the bottom of my heart. However, Propagandhi, along with Bad Religion, sure had (have?) some great lyrical content. Listen to Haile Selassie Up Your Ass from 1993 and submit to a truth that I support 100%.
(I’m a huge fan of reggae, though. It’s the religious/political message I adress here…)
but how can you justify
belief in a god that’s left you behind?
You’ve simply filled the gap
between the upper and lower class
and your faith merely keeps you in line
in line, yeah
An amalgamation of Jewish scripture
and Christian thought
What will that get you?
Not a fuck of a lot
Take a look at your promised land
Your deed is that gun in your hand
Mount Zion’s a minefield
The West Bank
The Gaza Strip
soon to be parking lots
for American tourists
and fascist cops, yeah
Fuck Zionism
Fuck militarism
Fuck Americanism
Fuck nationalism
Fuck religion
>The best albums 2008

By far the very best black metal album of 2008. While mainstream media talk about Darkthrone and Satyricon, I don’t even consider that stuff black metal anymore. Darkthrone is a joke and Satyricon is just some ordinary slick metal that’s got nothing to do with black metal whatsoever.
Mgła comes forth with the most astonishing piece of work in a long time. The monotony, the guitar lines and the perfect drum play along with the classic black metal-voice is simply a beautiful work of art. Ever since their appearance on the Crushing The Holy Trinity compilation back in 2005 Mgła have definitely proven themselves worthy time and time again, and with Groza they reach perfection. In my opinion, this is the true essence of black metal.
Hail to Poland!
Between the grey pillars of conscience the path to truth narrows.
Standpoints are chosen over general reason.
This is probably the record that defines 2008 for me. It contains all the moody darkness and shady light that represent the worst year in my life. I love this album. Twin Peaks goes Americana on a desert plain in the middle of nowhere, into the wild, no country for old men, and so forth… The desolate soundscapes are so majestic it’s almost surreal. Soothing stuff for a fucked up mind that works best when reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.
Read the interview I did with Dylan Carlson earlier this year.
The darkness is always present in Thomas Ekelund’s music, sort of David Lynch-like, Jan Švankmajer-esque. But with Thomas’ music there’s always that human touch: if you feel too scared to continue, just reach out and he’s there like a shoulder, like a ghost, to lean on. At least that’s how I feel when listening to this black mass of isolation, insecurity and determination. The will to power as expressed through the art of the diseased. The nature of the beast.
Lost In Reflections, along with the additional 7” single that completes the package, is beyond doubt his master’s voice, his masterpiece if you like. It’s an incredible album that should touch souls if the bearer of that soul is up to the task of recieving such mindmelting audio. Beyond all darkness there is light, though. It’s bleak and unpleasantly cold and damp, but its warmth equals survival.
Alongside the Earth and the Mgła albums, this one is definitely the album of the year.
Ok, this also fits the title Album of The Year perfectly. Extreme scene hype on this one, but do believe it. This is where the new school kids on the block have sex with the old school farts from back in the early ’80’s. Folky drones meet with psychedelic prog vibes as the industrial dark ambience flows through the veins of Lucifer and digs deep into the murky ass of some lowlife white trash farmer on crack – and strikes gold! I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about here, but check this out. It’ll slay yo mama.
Ofermod –Tiamtü LP
Ah yes, this invokes the spirit of old Dissection, the slow brooding parts of Deathspell Omega and eternal darkness, death and delirium… The spirit! The opening lines – In an abyss of uncreation… – come as classic as Triumphator’s Flesh be gone! and Watain’s Show me the face of uttermost madness!, sung with vocals just as persuasive as those of Arioch on the Salvation album. Far from Ariochs insanity, but equally determined and hateful. The vocals are right up there in the mix and that’s the way it should be.
At first I thought this was quite an anonymous album, but Tiamtü slowly builds, comes creeping and infects your feeble mind. The guitar harmonies and arrangements are memorable, heavy and majestic, almost filmic at times, otherwordly, and the production is perfect: not too clean, not too powerful, not too sloppy… Just perfect.
Slay them! So dead…
Brainbombs – Fucking Mess LP
This is seriously good. If there’s a hype regarding this album – fuck it! This is beyond the cliché and tragedy of newcomer posers. Read the article and deify.
Woven Hand – Ten Stones CD
Damn, a lot of the albums on this list are like ”well, not as good as the previous one, but still damn good!” and that’s what I think about Ten Stones as well. Mosaic (2006) is sooo amazingly good, which makes Ten Stones only sooo good. But that’s obviously good enough. This Christian freak (who thinks he’s a Native American?) is a genius. Worship Him!
Witch – Paralyzed LP
Not all at the kind of dark magical gem that made their debut album so fantastic, but still well worth your attention. Once you get passed the fact that this doesn’t sound very much like the debut it’ll grow and rise to heights you thought didn’t existed. Well, not really, but kind of. Knowing that J Mascis, God of all, sits behind that fat bass drum should be enough information to get you going.
U.S. Christmas – Eat The Low Dogs CD
Dark, psychedelic, mindbending spacerock blues. Their gig at the Roadburn festival next year will hopefully be a killer. If my back hasn’t let me down by the time they play I will stage dive into infinity when they let loose The Scalphunters. Maybe.
Portishead –Third CD
I am a huge fan of Dummy and have been listening to that record at least once a year since its release in 1994. The vibe reminds me of Public Enemy’s unbeatable feat Fear of A Black Planet, packing layers upon layers, hauling roughneck beats and dirty tricks. Third is not that much of a genre defining trip hop album as the debut, in fact there’s not much trip hop at all on this one. Third simply represents thrilling, modern, experimental pop music in a league of its own.
It was made available on last.fm at first, free for everybody to enjoy a week before the actual album release. Brilliant move! In just under 24 hours approximately 327,000 listeners went online to listen to the album. This is the new deal.
On a sidenote, speaking of Public Enemy, Wikipedia states that On May 29, 2008 Portishead’s Geoff Barrow realized a “boyhood fantasy” when Chuck D of Public Enemy joined the band onstage at the Primavera Sound festival in Barcelona. He contributed a freestyle rap over Portishead’s single ‘Machine Gun’”.
I got this LP yesterday and just by looking at it, checking the participating artists, I knew it would be on this list. Bocksholm (Peter Andersson and Peter Andersson, of Deutsch Nepal and Raison d’Être respectively, two of the best constellations from the early Cold Meat Industry period), Dusa (creator of the absolutely stunning Ljung LP), Niellerade Fallibilisthorstar (after hearing only two of their songs last year I ordered everything they had put out at the time) and Vårtgård represents the sounds of the Swedish countryside – and the countryside of industrial music is very much alive, as you’ll hear on this stunning album. Because this is music that breathes. This is what Amish industrial would sound like if it ever existed. As expected, Dusa totally dominates this album, although all four acts bring very high quality stuff. Segerhuva should’ve reserved some space for Ättestupa as well, then this LP would have been a statement that nobody would want to fuck with, not even the Wu-Tang Clan. Nevertheless, it is a statement that will cause tremors throughout the world of stalemate noise posers, that’s for sure.
The only song that comes even close to classic industrial/noise is Finkhällen by Vårtgård. Bocksholmens Bögamord might bear some minor resemblance to old Deutsch Nepal, but the rest of the songs are unique soundscapes that totally stand their ground. Thus, Segerhuva is not the “noise only” label you thought it was. Hoorah!
Highly recommended!
Arckanum – Antikosmos CD
The best Arckanum material so far. His previous releases are good, but the rather weak production is quite irritating at times. Antikosmos doesn’t have that problem. The production is thick and powerful as the album is recorded in the classic Sunlight Studios and mastered by Necromorbus. As always, the trademark vocals sound like those of a fifteen year old, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Unfortunately I don’t understand the lyrics at all, but knowing that Shamaatae is totally dedicated to the cause I bet it’s perfectly genuine stuff.
I could do without the Blóta Loka track, though.
Erik Enocksson – With Its Dark Tail Curled ’Round The Garage CD
Amazing. And so very underground. I feared Erik would turn mainstream after the success of Farväl Falkenberg (one of the best Swedish albums, as well as one of the best Swedish films), but fortunately it’s the other way around. This album will irritate people.
V/A – White Nights TAPE
In all honesty I haven’t had the time to listen to this 4TAPE-BOX yet (got it a couple of hours ago), but there is no doubt in my mind that this is a total freakout of a killer fucking onslaught against all senses. Alfarmania, Ochu, Proiekt Hat, Sewer Election, Tape Dekay, Trepaneringsritualen, Treriksröset and Vårtgård… That’s top notch warfare right there!
Early in 2008 the eight present here received one copy each of the so called Death Tape from Jonestown. They were given total freedom to do whatever they wanted with the cassette as long as it became 15 minutes worth of sounds. This is what they did.
I don’t think the misspelling of ”Nights” on the cover is intentional, but somehow it suits this massive compilation perfectly. It should be filthy. This is not corporate.
Limited to 100 copies.
Robedoor – Shrine To The Possessor LP
Dystopia – LP
Esbjörn Svensson Trio – Leucocyte CD
Dr Dooom – Dr Dooom 2 CD
The Tallest Man On Earth – Shallow Grave CD
Skullflower – Desire For A Holy War CD
Melvins – Nude With Boots LP
Bonnie Prince Billy – Lie Down In The Light CD
Grand Magus – Iron Will LP
Jason Crumer – Burning In Hell LP
Mogwai – The Hawk Is Howling LP
Ufomammut – Idolum LP
Opeth – Watershed CD
Bohren Und Der Club of Gore – Dolores CD
Haare – Chemical Witchcraft LP
Massgrav – This War Will Be Won By Meat Eaters CD
Moss – Sub Templum LP
Mob 47 – Dom ljuger igen 7″
Nick Cave – Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! CD
Asva – What You Don’t Know Is Frontier LP
Krisiun – Southern Storm CD
PVMNTSW – Förintelsens elfenbensportar 3″CD
Black Mountain – In The Future LP
Javelina – CD
Jex Thoth – CD (Read the interview)
Portrait – LP
Erykah Badu – New Amerykah… CD
Titiyo – Hidden CD
Coldworker – Rotting Paradise CD
Meshuggah – ObZen CD
Danava – UnonoU LP
Jarl – Tunnel Vision / Mind Reaper TAPE
White – Tormented TAPE
Blod – Red Light Companion 3LP
Holy macaroni! This 3LP-BOX is a monster! From the Segerhuva site:
All in all, this box stands as a monument to the heavy noise genius of Jesper Forselius and his BLOD. Hailed by harsh noise fanatics over the world, Blod’s music is a unique offering of perverse singlemindedness shaped into sick monolithic slabs of noise.
The liner notes written by Taint are just as sick and disturbing as the music. In other words, a complete package for the mentally deranged that crushes just about everything you thought you knew about noise, morals and sexuality. Apparently the Segerhuva posse spent about 40,000 SEK on this release which adds yet another dimension to the sickness.
I love it!
RJF – Greater Success in Apprehension & Convictions CD
Originally released in 1983, this is experimental industrial at its very best. As Segerhuva puts it: …this is a sinister reminder that something was alive back then, something that is missing now.
Sabu Martinez – Burned Sugar (The Swedish Radio Recordings 1973) LP
This is proof that funk was not invented in the U.S., it was invented in Jönköping! Just listen to the drums of maestro Stefan Möller (The Spotnicks) and submit. Musically Burned Sugar appeals to fans of funk, jazz, fusion, krautrock, extreme prog and filthy freak out bursting blasts from outer space, as stated on the Mellotronen webpage. Couldn’t agree more.
And of course there is a lot of stuff I haven’t heard yet that probably will kick some kind of ass as well, stuff from Wolfbrigade, Uncurbed, Avskum, Victims, World Burns To Death, Bong, Coffins, Leafes… The list goes on. But hey, there are roughly 50 albums on this list for you to check out (and I probably forgot some), so I hope you find something new!
Now… I just got a Spotify account, so let’s see how many of these albums are available there…
I had high hopes for these albums, but no… They turned out to be major disappointments. I have to give them a few more spins before I give them away, though.
Leif Edling – Songs of Torment – Songs of Joy CD
The Devil’s Blood – Come Reap EP
Anna Ternheim – Leaving On A Mayday CD
If you’re a freak – like me – and can’t get enough
of those funky lists, check these out as well:
Top 40 albums 1991 – 2008
The best albums 2007
The best albums 2006
>Music that matters: Amebix – Part One
>One of my favourite bands of all time is without a doubt the almighty Amebix, formed in England 1978. The music, the lyrics, the artwork – everything is perfect. I will write a longer text about them further on, but for now I just want you to discover their fine malt lyrics in the shape of the opening lines to Nobody’s Driving from the Monolith (1987) album. This is real poetry to me, and the way it is sung is beyond artistry. But more about that later. Just dwell on these lines for a while. It’s not their best song (and certainly not their worst either, I love it!), but it displays the power, creativity and true independence of the band. No gods, no masters!
I awoke in a sweat from the American Dream
They were loading the bomb bay of the iron bird
Giving their blood to the Doomsday Machine
I screamed into the wind my goodbye to the world
Worship, on your knees, feeble bastards!
I awoke in a sweat from the American Dream
They were loading the bomb bay of the iron bird
Giving their blood to the Doomsday Machine
I screamed into the wind my goodbye to the worldIt was dark in the desert so we walked through the night
The vessel was waiting where we had been led
An awesome machine to tear through the sky
The last exodus from the land of the dead[Chorus:]
We are swimming in the lunar sea
Drowning in insanity
Look to the shore you will see
Your leaders were lying
Nobody’s driving!Upon the horizon is the earth I once knew
Now a red ball of light suspended in space
So we erected a stone on the shore of the sea
As a grim epitaph to the lost human race[Repeat first verse]
We are swimming in the lunar sea
Drowning in insanity
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Our world is dying
And nobody’s driving!
>Roadburn Festival 2009
>Ah, the amazing Roadburn Festival 2009 in Tilburg, Holland. This is by far the very best festival I’ve ever been to: amazing bands, amazing venue with an amazing sound system, amazing people, hotel amazingly located a two minute walk from the amazing venue, amazing city, amazing smokes, amazing döner kebab… What more could you wish for? The line-up this year is fantastic, and hopefully we don’t get to see as much cancellations as last year.
This is a gathering of like minded bands and fans from around the world, joined together by a love of music. This is a celebration of tube-driven distortion and crackling electric guitars, a raising of musical consciousness and brotherly and sisterly love, a communion with THEE MIGHTY RIFF, a time and place to get high en mass and bask in the heaviness.
Check this out and worship eternally (names in bold (about 30 of them) are bands I really want to see, the rest I either don’t care or know that much about):
- Neurosis
- Amebix (not official yet, but highly probable)
- Motorpsycho
- Amon Düül II
- Saint Vitus
- Bohren und Der Club of Gore
- Om
- U.S. Christmas
- Skullflower
- Six Organs of Admittance
- The Young Gods
- Mono
- Angel Witch
- Baroness
- Ufomammut
- Church of Misery
- Cathedral
- Minsk
- Rose Kemp
- Orange Goblin
- Scott Kelly
- Steve von Till
- White Hills
- A Storm of Light
- Burial Hex
- Black Sun
- The Devil’s Blood
- Wolves In the Throne Room
- Gomer Pyle
- Negura Bunget
- Farflung
- Radio Moscow
- Asva
- The Outskirts of Infinity
- Wino
- Firebird
- Akimbo
- Guapo
- Alexander Tucker
- Aderlating
- Colour Haze
- Shora
- The Atomic Bitchwax
- Roadsaw
- Saviours
- Dragontears
- Omega Massif
- The Winchester Club
- Seven That Spells
- Dead Man
- Solace
- Dyse
And there are still more bands to be added to that list! I’m still hoping that Earth and Jex Thoth will be announced soon. Neurosis, who are curating Saturday, still have seven bands to announce, so anything could happen.
>Best albums 2008 according to Sweden Rock Magazine
One of the magazines I write for, Sweden Rock Magazine, recently published the writers’ favourite albums 2008. This is my list:
2. Earth – The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull
3. U.S. Christmas – Eat the Low Dogs
4. Opeth – Watershed
5. Grand Magus – Iron Will
6. Arckanum – Antikosmos
7. Brainbombs – Fucking Mess
8. Jex Thoth – Jex Thoth
9. Witch – Paralyzed
10. Ofermod – Tiamtü
Check all lists here, and then feel free to read my interviews/articles with Earth, Jex Thoth and Brainbombs.
The list I will publish on New Year’s Eve on this blog will be different, though.