Category Archives: music

>The best albums of 2010


I’m getting old. It’s either that, or music is getting boring. Just like last year I feel I haven’t been catching up with what the hell is going on in this shithole filled with music. In my mind, the very best albums of 2010 were all black metal albums: Lawless Darkness, Paracletus, Stained Glass Revelations, Belus and Ominous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm.

Last year I was complaining about how shitty the rap scene really is. Same thing this year. Until yesterday I had only one rap record on the list, but then Master Skråd posted a video with one helluva good dude named Roc Marciano. I haven’t even heard his name before, but Marcberg is insanely good! This is like the perfect blend of Raekwon, Mobb Deep and Madlib. I’ve only listened to the album six times (since yesterday…), but it feels like a true rap classic already. We’ll see about that in a year or two.

Still, lots of really good releases, of course. Here’s the stuff I’ve enjoyed during the year, stuff that’s definitely worthy of your attention. Hopefully you’ll discover something new.
Click on the band name for GaySpace.

ArckanumSviga Lae
AutopsyThe Tomb Within
Bloody PhoenixDeath To Everyone
Bombs of HadesChambers of Abominations
Bonnie Prince BillyThe Wonder Show of The World
Celph Titled & BuckwildNineteen Ninety Now
Deathspell Omega – Paracletus
Electric WizardBlack Masses
GhostOpus Eponymous
Grand Magus – Hammer of The North
High On Fire – Snakes For The Divine
Hofmästarn med Roffe RuffPanterparken
Hour of 13The Ritualist
InquisitionOminous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
IntermentInto The Crypts of Blasphemy
Iron MaidenThe Final Frontier
Massgrav / Blood I Bleed – SPLIT
MelvinsThe Bride Screamed Murder
Modorra – The Putrid
MotorpsychoHeavy Metal Fruit
OkkultokratiNo Light For Mass
PP7 Gaftzeb And The Tormentors of 1984Preaching The Gospel To The Non-Believers
ProfanaticaDisgusting Blasphemies Against God
Pyramido / Suma – SPLIT
RamessesTake The Curse
Roc MarcianoMarcberg
StenchIn Putrescence

Svarte GreinerPenpals Forever (And Ever)
SwansMy Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky
TidGiv Akt
TriptykonEparistera Daimones
U.S. ChristmasRun Thick In The Night
WatainLawless Darkness
White HillsWhite Hills
Wildbirds & PeacedrumsRivers
ÄttestupaBegraven Mot Norr

>You breed… Like rats!


Roadburn – the best festival I’ve ever been to – just announced that Godflesh are set to perform the legendary Streetcleaner album in its entirety! That sure deserves a whole bunch of exclamation marks!
This is one of the heaviest, dirtiest albums ever to grace this wicked Earth, and to be able to witness this at Roadburn is nothing but amazing. Streetcleaner was released in 1989, but still crushes most of what you’d call heavy these days. In a way, these recordings preceded the whole drone/sludge genre, and did so 22 years ago. Exclamation mark!

If you find it strange having a band playing the record just as it is when you might as well sit at home listening, you probably won’t ever understand the magick that occurs during a mighty fine concert – and Roadburn always delivers amazing gigs.
Compare listening to Through Silver In Blood at home with the onslaught that follows below:

Now worship Godflesh.

You breed – Like Rats
Breeding – Stylized – Deformity – Don’t look back
Breeding – Fade out – Lies – Deformity
Breed – Like Rats
You were dead from the beginning

Bonus goodness:

>Sewer election – This fear is only the beginning


The car is on fire, and there’s no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows

The government is corrupt
And we’re on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn

We’re trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death

The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

It went like this:

The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies
Picked through the rubble
And pulled out their hair

The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze

I said, “Kiss me, you’re beautiful –
These are truly the last days”

You grabbed my hand
And we fell into it
Like a daydream
Or a fever

We woke up one morning and fell a little further down
For sure it’s the valley of death

I open up my wallet
And it’s full of blood

This fear is only the beginning

There is a sorrow to be desired
To be sorrows desire

What they say is true
It is a dirty blue
This color around you
You’re curled up warm
In your own little corners of Sodom
Did you agree to believe
This fall has no bottom

Fear not the faces of brothers

>Heavy Rain – The choices we make…


Even though the gameplay is very basic and straight forward, and your only real gaming input is strictly limited, Heavy Rain is a fantastic experience.
Gameplay is all about choosing between different options and pressing the correct button in time. That’s pretty much it. And there are some minor flaws: Some puzzles and ways of getting information are just plain stupid and tiresome (the Ann Sheppard scene, for example). Also, sometimes the choices you make really don’t make a difference, which is quite annoying. As is the fact that all teeth look like rubbish, which is a mystery since the graphics overall are just stunning. People walk around looking like Method Man with braces. But then again, this is the American future. Too much Coke, I guess.

If you’ve seen a couple of American movies in your lifetime, you’ll recognize the way this story moves. It plays just like a movie, and therefore it is – in many ways – more than a game. A lot of the scenes are very predictable (even though I have to admit that I didn’t know who the killer was until the very end. One thing you’ll always know with generic scripts is that whatever person they want you to recognize as the bad guy, it sure as hell never is him in the end), but since the atmosphere rule, you tend to forget that. Same thing with the simplicity of the gameplay.

Because what makes Heavy Rain such an awesome experience is the atmosphere. If this is your type of game, you’ll be totally hooked. Because it’s not how you do things, but what you do that really matters and makes this game stand out. It’s all those tiny details, like changing a baby’s diapers and then rocking her to sleep, brushing your teeth and making sure your boy gets his medicine in time; those are the moments that strenghtens the ties of blood, for they depict real life.

The choices we make shape our lives, and there are many choices to be made in Heavy Rain. For the first time in gaming history, here is a game that actually capitalize on the moral decision concept. This is way beyond choosing between a good or bad ending.
How far would you go to save someone you love?

At one point there are five different choices with various outcomes, depending on what you did earlier in the game, and I think there are at least seven different endings with 18 different epilogues. If one of your characters faces an early death, you’ll miss out on a lot of chapters that would’ve appeared hadn’t she died. When finishing the game for the first time you’ll almost immediately need to replay some chapters to see how the story would unfold had you chosen another direction.

Adding to the atmosphere is of course the music. And it’s out there! Not just the official soundtrack, but a lot of the cues and songs that didn’t appear on the official release. I found this link:
Sharing is caring.
And caring is pretty much what Heavy Rain is all about.