Category Archives: politics

>Modern Apartheid


This is really old news, but we constantly need to be reminded. Lest we forget…
And I really want to stress this:
As with everything you read, this is one side of the story. You’ll find thousands of articles contradicting whatever I say here. The reason I write that is because I get anonymous emails from jerks who don’t seem to get that…

Azmi Bishara
, a Palestinian Christian with an Israeli citizenship, former member of the Knesset, is being accused of treason and espionage during wartime (the Lebanon war). I found this article in Los Angeles Times, written by Bishara himself, entitled Why Israel is after me. The full article is right here.
I don’t know anything about him being guilty or not. That’s not the point here. What Bishara writes in this article is just what we need to be reminded of, the sickening Israeli Apartheid.

These trumped-up charges, which I firmly reject and deny, are only the latest in a series of attempts to silence me and others involved in the struggle of the Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel to live in a state of all its citizens, not one that grants rights and privileges to Jews that it denies to non-Jews.

When Israel was established in 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled in fear. My family was among the minority that escaped that fate, remaining instead on the land where we had long lived. The Israeli state, established exclusively for Jews, embarked immediately on transforming us into foreigners in our own country.

For the first 18 years of Israeli statehood, we, as Israeli citizens, lived under military rule with pass laws that controlled our every movement. We watched Jewish Israeli towns spring up over destroyed Palestinian villages.

More than 20 Israeli laws explicitly privilege Jews over non-Jews. The Law of Return, for example, grants automatic citizenship to Jews from anywhere in the world. Yet Palestinian refugees are denied the right to return to the country they were forced to leave in 1948. The Basic Law of Human Dignity and Liberty — Israel’s “Bill of Rights” — defines the state as “Jewish” rather than a state for all its citizens. Thus Israel is more for Jews living in Los Angeles or Paris than it is for native Palestinians.

The Israeli authorities are trying to intimidate not just me but all Palestinian citizens of Israel. But we will not be intimidated. We will not bow to permanent servitude in the land of our ancestors or to being severed from our natural connections to the Arab world. Our community leaders joined together recently to issue a blueprint for a state free of ethnic and religious discrimination in all spheres. If we turn back from our path to freedom now, we will consign future generations to the discrimination we have faced for six decades.

Americans know from their own history of institutional discrimination the tactics that have been used against civil rights leaders. These include telephone bugging, police surveillance, political delegitimization and criminalization of dissent through false accusations. Israel is continuing to use these tactics at a time when the world no longer tolerates such practices as compatible with democracy.

Why then does the U.S. government continue to fully support a country whose very identity and institutions are based on ethnic and religious discrimination that victimize its own citizens?

By Azmi Bishara

“Israel fears my ideas endanger Zionism.”

This is Azmi Bishara speaking about Israeli Apartheid in March 2008.

>The (Oval) Office

>Television – the drug of the nation. I’m with that, but occasionally I hear from people I trust (die hard TV series professionals who watch every fuckin’ show there is) about some new amazing TV series and I download them and then watch with intense intensity.
I’ve come to worship Twin Peaks, Six Feet Under, The Wire, Epitafios, Riget and Carnivàle thanks to these die hards. As for The Office (UK) I’m just speechless. It’s just perfect in every sense. Still haven’t had the time to watch the American version, but I hear it’s damn good as well.

If you’re a fan of The Office you’ll hopefully enjoy this brilliant satire, featuring George W Bush, Tony Blair and the rest of the elite. All hail Supernews!
“Has U.S. politics become so absurd that it deserves it’s own cartoon show? Evidently, it has.”

>The Israeli and US warmongers

>They’re at it again, backed up by the massmedia (“Iran launch new missile!”), provoking Iran trying to get them to attack first. Hopefully Iran will keep its cool, because this war, if executed, will probably be one of the worst ever for the present world to deal with.

On May 1, 2003, George W Bush made his famous speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln:
“Thank you all very much. Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.”
As one YouTube fellow below writes: “This will no doubt go down in history the most elaborate and misleading presidential re-election publicity stunt in US history.”

I know this Bush-hating is tiresome, he’s a just a puppet on a string and so on, but do check out this interview. This is Bush three years later with arguments worthy of a ten year old…

Seymour M. Hersh writes about The Bush Administration’s moves against Iran.
Muhammad Sahimi’s article Deconstructing the Anti-Iran resolutions.

>American Radical – A documentary about Norman Finkelstein


This one looks very promising! One of the most prominent critics of Israel, Norman G. Finkelstein, son of Holocaust survivors (his mother was a Majdanek survivor and his father a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp), will appear in this documentary about his life and work. Can’t wait! Along with Chomsky this dude is the shit. Finkelstein was recently denied entrance to Israel and is now banned from entering the country for 10 years. Why? Because he’s a true threat to the racist zionist pro-apartheid assholes that rule with iron hand. The madness goes on…

Below is a very interesting debate between Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz, whose book The Case For Israel was commented by Finkelstein as “a collection of fraud, falsification, plagiarism and nonsense”. Thus begun the Dershowitz-Finkelstein affair. Not much love in that one…
You may skip the first ten minutes of part 1, but from then on it’s full throttle. Which one is using facts and which one is using propaganda? It’s quite obvious.

I strongly recommend you read Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering and Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. Also check out The Case Against Israel by Michael Neumann (also a son of Jewish refugees).
Hopefully then you’ll understand that there’s a great difference between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism, and what ism of the two you should battle it out with.

>Sweden – a totalitarian regime?


“I can’t imagine how this law is going to be able to meet the demands of the European Declaration of Human Rights”, said Privacy International’s vice secretary general David Banisar yesterday, almost mocking the FRA law.

Today Sweden took a giant step away from democracy towards totalitarianism. The FRA, who’s been monitoring our business illegally for years, was not punished by applicable law for doing so, but rewarded. The Swedish parliament ignored the facts, its people and common sense and voted yes in favour of the FRA law.
It’s too sick to be true, really. But it is.

I’ll let the words of Promoe speak for themselves.

Promoe: Prime Time

Prisoner code THX 1138
I’m a break the chains and lidigate Bill Gates
And Ricky Lake type intruders of your private life
It’s like they got a million private eyes in the public eye
Then they publicize double lies in a love disguise
Wolf in a sheep clothing, I just love these guys
Talking about freedom of speech, freedom of the word
It’s a well known fact you need cash to make yourself heard
With topics like this they don’t literally stop me
But I’d be happy to sell 20 000 copies
That don’t make no revolution, so what am I to do then?
Rather die looting, then get my message diluted
Dilemma, either you say nothing to a lot of people
Or you try and kick some sense to a minority of equals
Who already know what you know and don’t need to be schooled
While 85 % of the population keeps getting fooled

Massmedia misleading ya
All them press idiots gets greedier
Chasing headlines and deadlines, the truth left behind
It’s prime time and the blind lead the blind

They tried to drug me with TV, deceive and mislead me
But on the low though, I don’t keep what they feed me
Believe me, I throw it up like a bulimic
Don’t tell no one though or they’ll put me in a clinic
For brainwashing, they wanna stop my guys
With money and lies, they got the truth monopolized
Manipulate and pollute the mind states
Generations are mind-raped
My voice echoed off the Walls of Jericho and Berlin in the old days
Listen close and hear it now in your own hallways
It’s your baby brother quoting me, he got all tapes
Some youths of today want substance, not All Saints
Massmedia don’t wanna deal with the real issues
They want you to think, life is about chasing the riches
But that materialistic shit will fade away
Don’t get caught up in the modern day slavery trade

The unemployed no longer want to be used
Modern day slavery, computer rules
In the school system, of miseducation
The entertainment business of indoctrination
Capitalist interests, run the press and information
Highway to hell approaching, the end-station
At a faster pace than Formula 1 racing
Blaming the problems of society, on immigration
When Sweden make guns, export it to poor nations
Causing wars and starvations, killing Africans and Asians
Calling it “foreign relations” and it’s all annihilation
Yo, you force them to leave their homeland for an unknown land
Then look upon them as more barbaric than Conan
They ask you for work, and you say ‘no man, you can’t be trusted’
They walk down your street and get busted
By your so-called justice designed to chain minds
To put you in the lead, and the others behind
Well I will never trod your road again, never vote again
Cus you will use them as a scape goat again
I’ll raid your radio-show again, like once P.E.
Run up in your office screaming and raving play me!
I got the hottest beats out there courtesy of Embee
And rhymes with the message to set your mindstate free

>Fucked by the mainstream – part 4


You know those “military analysts” that appear thousands of times in the mainstream media, telling us about the war in Iraq? On April 20th 2008 New York Times revealed that those very analysts in fact are hired by the Pentagon in a massive campaign to generate favorable news coverage of USA:s wartime performances. Their filthy lies are echoed throughout the rest of the world, thus creating a false image of what’s really going on in Iraq.
Fox, CNN, NBC, ABC and others are involved.
“Most of the analysts have ties to military contractors vested in the very war policies they are asked to assess on air”, writes NYT, meaning they have great financial interests here. What we think are comments from experts is pure propaganda.
“A few expressed regret for participating in what they regarded as an effort to dupe the American public with propaganda dressed as independent military analysis”, writes NYT.

This obviously is a huge scandal, but have you read about it anywhere? Where are the bills in the newsagents’ windows? I’ve looked, but all I see is the same old crap; “You’re feeling dizzy? Might be a hidden disease!”
Damn, I feel like a conspiracy theorist sometimes, but what the hell… This is the truth. This is what’s going on. How can we keep quiet?

And how come such a huge paper like the New York Times wrote about it? Because they are not dependent on selling ads to those major american companies that have interests in what the world looks like post 9/11, the companies that earn their money from war and are a huge part of the war industry. New York Times is owned by a very wealthy family, and they were against the war in Iraq from the very beginning.

Read the article here.

That’s just another example of how we’re being fucked by the mainstream media.

Here in Sweden the headlines today are about the totally mindbending wiretapping law which in short terms means that all telephone and internet operators will be forced to attach a large cable to the state’s supercomputer, where the state will be able to keep a record of everything said in telephone conversations, surfed on the web or written on the internet. Instead of just criminal suspects having their phones tapped, now everyone will be tapped via their phones, emails, web surfing, faxing, etc. The state will scan all phone calls, emails and so on in real time. Anything that is considered “interesting” on the basis of 250,00 search criteria, will be saved for further investigation. This is plain sick and makes me think of China, Stasi and crazy movies from the Cold War era.

The problem is that media just woke up like yesterday starting to report on this highly important issue, and on Wednesday the Swedish parliament is supposed to pass this very controversial law. People are hard at work writing emails to their politicians, participating in anti-FRA-law-Facebook-groups, blogging like fuck and lots of other good things. However, had media done their job we’d been much better prepared. However, that’s what the people in power are trying to avoid. A well informed crowd is a dangerous crowd. Keep the masses away!

It’ll be interesting to see what’s gonna happen on Wednesday.
Too little, too late? Or maybe we really made a difference on such a short notice?

>Propaganda for war


As Israel once again threatens Iran over the nuclear program we get to read those well known words again (I read them in Dagens Nyheter today): “Iran’s president has stated that he wants to wipe Israel off the map”.
No, he has not.
Let’s think about it; how many times have you heard about this quote? If you read the international news you’ve probably heard it almost every single day for about two years or so. That’s a great way for the Israeli and U.S. warhawks to sell yet another war in the Middle East. The warhawks repeat this propaganda over and over again and the smaller media units just follow. No time for research here.

The fact is that New York Times has backed away from this false translation, as did BBC, but you never hear about that, do you? Instead the warhawks keeps pushing people in the wrong direction, using these words as a slogan for a new war.
Studying four different translations from professors to the BBC to the New York Times to pro-Israel news outlets they’ve come to the conclusion that the word “map” wasn’t even used. And Ahmadinejad was actually quoting the words of the late Ayatollah Khomeini…

Ahmadinejad was actually saying “The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”, of course meaning the corrupt occupying power that is the Zionist regime. He was not suggesting a physical genocidal assault on millions of people, as you might think when hearing the words “wipe Israel off the map”. Simply put, he expressed his future hope that the Zionist regime in Israel would fall. He wants a regime change. And again, he was actually quoting Khomeini’s decade old speech, and has thus been credited falsely.
But you won’t read that in the mainstream media. There’s no time or space for explanations or excuses there.

And hey, what if Iran really was trying to wipe Israel off the map? Well, they wouldn’t last very long. Like somebody said: It would be like Paris Hilton picking a fight with Mike Tyson. Israel has an arsenal of about 200 launch ready nukes and are backed up by the mighty US of A who’ve about 6.000 active warheads… Compare that to Iran who virtually has nothing. The CIA estimates that Iran are five to ten years away from being able to produce one nuclear bomb. International inspectors have found no evidence of a nuclear program. CIA satellite imagery shows no proof of nuclear arms. People are full of shit.

And once again, mass media spreads its lies.

More info:
Caught Red-Handed: Media backtracks on Iran’s anti-Israel threat
Ahmadinejad and honesty
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s blog

Now watch the idiots: