Category Archives: religion

>…show me a man who is good…


This quote is from one of the greatest works I know, Les Chants de Maldoror, The Songs of Maldoror, by Lautréamont, written between 1868-1869.

Throughout my life, I have seen narrow-shouldered men, without a single exception, committing innumerable stupid acts, brutalizing their fellows and perverting souls by all means. They call the motive for their actions fame. Seeing these spectacles, I wanted to laugh like the others but I found that strange imitation impossible. I took a knife with a sharp steel cutting-edge on its blade and I slit my flesh where the lips join. For a moment I believed I had achieved my object. I looked in a mirror at this mouth disfigured by an act of my own will. It was a mistake! The blood flowing from the two wounds prevented me from discerning whether the laugh really was the same as others’. But after comparing them for a few moments I saw clearly that my laugh did not resemble that of human beings, i.e. I was not laughing at all. I have seen men, ugly men with their eyes sunk in dark sockets, surpassing the hardness of rock, the rigidity of cast steel, the insolence of youth, the senseless rage of criminals, the falseness of the hypocrite, the most extraordinary actors, the strenght of character of priests, beings whose real character is the most impenetrable, colder than anything else in heaven or on earth; I have seen them wearing out moralists who have attempted to discover their heart, and seen them bring upon themselves implacable anger from on high. I have seen them all now, the strongest fist raised towards heaven, like a child already disobedient towards its mother, probably incited by some spirit from hell, eyes full of the bitterest remorse, but at the same time of hatred: glacially silent, not daring to utter the vast ungrateful meditations hidden in their breasts, because those meditations were so full of injustice and horror; I have seen them grieve the God of mercy in his compassion; and again at every moment of the day, from their earliest childhood right up to the end of their old age, I have seen them uttering unbelievable anathemata, void of all common sense, against everything which breathes, against themselves, and against Providence; prostituting women and children, thus dishonouring the parts of the body consecrated to modesty. Then, the waters of the seas rise up, engulfing ships in their bottomless depths; hurricanes and earthquakes level houses; plague and all kinds of disease decimate families. But men do not realize this. I have seen them blushing, or turning pale for shame at their conduct on this earth – rarely. Tempests, sisters of hurricanes; bluish firmament, whose beauty I refuse to acknowledge; hypocritical sea, image of my own heart; earth, who hold mysteries hidden in your breast; the whole universe; God, who created it with such magnificence, it is thee I invoke: show me a man who is good… But at the same time increase my strenght tenfold: for at the sight of such a monster, I may die of astonishment: men have died of less.

>The Clash of Civilizations – Part Two

>This is Part Two in the series about Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations theory.
Part One can be found here.

It was in an article in Foreign Affairs (1993) and a subsequent book (The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order (1996)) that Samuel P. Huntington, Harvard Professor, caused a massive stir in the world of global politics.
Huntington predicted that global conflicts after the Cold War would no longer focus on ideologies, like communism and capitalism, but rather find energy in cultural differences like old battles rooted in old cultures (look at Kenya right now). He claimed that the West, and first and foremost America – at the time the world’s only super power, was in decline and that Islamic and East Asian civilizations were on the march (look at the Middle East, India and China today).

Is Huntington saying “I told you so!” to the world? We’ll see about that later. In this post I’d like to focus on the criticism that was and is directed towards his thesis, and in Part Three or Four I’ll look at what Huntington himself has to say looking back at his own work.

First, Huntington draws the global map with a very sharp pencil. It’s the West against the rest, where the West is all alone against seven civilizations: Islamic, African, Latin American, Hindu, Buddhist, Orthodox, Sinic and Japanese. By doing this he is defining cultures by power.

But the most important – and the most dangerous – “failure” in Huntington’s thesis is, as I see it, that he fails to see the difference between Islam and radical Islam, and thus fears the conflict between Islam and the West (Christianity) for the very wrong reasons, since radical Islam does not represent the Islamic civilization. Islam is not a coherent civilization. You don’t look at Christianity like that, do you? Of course not, because we know there’s about a million ways to praise the Lord within the Christian community. We should know that about Islam as well, but “the war on terror” and its false media won’t let us.

Radical Islamists are “nowhere men”, meaning they are children of the frontier between Islam and the West, belonging to neither. USA is fighting a war against disparate groups that are independent of nation states! They are not fighting Islam, even if that is what they (and the Western world?) seem to think. Also, they cannot cope with Islam as a state of power. Just look at their current relationship with Iran…

And hey, radical islamists are already here, either knocking at the gates of Europe or living amongst us all at this very moment. Things have changed drastically since Huntington began working on his thesis some fifteen years ago. Back then, Islam was beginning to rise. Now Islam has become a big part of the West, which many see as a negative thing pretty much thanks to “the war on terror” and false media not giving the whole story et cetera and so forth… Many seem to think that every muslim is a radical militant muslim. How sad and tragic of us to think so.

What Huntington should be afraid of though, and where I think he is right, is the fact that the West is rapidly losing its coherence and culture, its will and pride, feasting on materialistic ideologies and unsparing wars (dealing with the Arab world by using military force is one example), while Islam is growing stronger everyday – in spirit and soul.
I believe and hope that spirit and soul will prevail over materialistic interests.

Criticism will continue in Part Three.

>Holocaust religion


“Philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the German born Hebrew University professor, was probably the first to suggest that the Holocaust has become the new Jewish religion. ‘The Holocaust’ is far more than historical narrative, it indeed contains most of the essential religious elements: it has its priests (Simon Wiesenthal, Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt, etc.) and prophets (Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu and those who warn about the Iranian Judeocide to come). It has its commandments and dogmas (‘never again’, ‘six million’, etc.). It has its rituals (memorial days, Pilgrimage to Auschwitz etc.). It establishes an esoteric symbolic order (kapo, gas chambers, chimneys, dust, Musselmann, etc.). It has its shrines and temples (Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum and now the UN).
If this is not enough, the Holocaust religion is also maintained by a massive economic network and global financial infrastructures (Holocaust industry a la Norman Finkelstein). Most interestingly, the Holocaust religion is coherent enough to define the new ‘antichrists’ (the Deniers) and it is powerful enough to persecute them (Holocaust denial laws).”
Gilad Atzmon: From Esther to AIPAC

According to the above mentioned Holocaust denial laws, Wolfgang Fröhlich has been sentenced to six and a half years (!) in prison for thought crimes (!!). Unfortunately you won’t read about that in Amnesty Press (aren’t they supposed to write about political prisoners?) or anywhere else in the major media, so here is an article in German.

Another article on the subject of Holocaust religion:
Holocaust Religion and Holocaust Industry In The Service of Israel

from State of Nature, a quarterly online journal of the Left that “stands opposed to the capitalist economic order and the imperialist ambitions of the world’s great powers” and “remains committed to the development of protest movements and the construction of a radical alternative to the status quo”, and “aims to publish essays, interviews, commentaries, reviews, poetry and photography that inspire progressive thought, unite dissenting voices, and dispel the myths of the world order.”

And in case you missed the link above, check out Gilad Atzmon‘s page! Not only is he a great writer and political philosopher, he’s an awesome jazz musician as well and you can listen to his music on the homepage.

>Islam and conflicting ideas

In my humble opinion, Americans seem to focus on an all out war with Islam when they rather should look into themselves. No wonder their aggressive monocultural thinking is looked upon with frowning eyes by those examining Western ideas. Do we want an American dominated McWorld based on capitalism and materialism, or should we aim for a tiny bit more spiritual touch in our lives?
I consider George W. Bush and his crew to be more of a danger to the world than Osama bin Laden. How about that?
As for Islam, the discussion is so very narrow-minded. There are thousands of different “Islams”, just as there are thousands of different paths in Christianity.

Compare Al-Qaeda and Christian liberation theology.
Do not confuse conflict with conquest.
War cannot create democracy.
Media tells us Islam equals war.
That’s just plain stupid.

Essential reading for greater understanding:
Mattias Gardell – bin Laden i våra hjärtan (Swedish)
Christoph Reuter – Med livet som vapen (Swedish) (in English here)
David Cook – Martyrdom in Islam
John K. Cooley – Unholy wars. Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism
David E. Stannard – American Holocaust
Edward W. Said – Orientalism (Swedish) (in English here)
Ibn Warraq – Defending The West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism (for fairness…)

In the Clash of Civilizations post I wrote:
“Some say there’s a clash going on within Islam, a clash for the soul of Islam…”
Read more about that in Joyce Davis’ article Just who’s fighting the real war against Islam?, where she states that “one of the most important conflicts in the world today is fought without garnering much notice in the West. It is the battle among Muslims over the future of their faith.”

Also, check the Radical Muslim blog from time to time.

I do not support Islam.
I do not support Samuel P. Huntington.
I do not support national socialism or revisionism or anti-Americanism or whatever the hell some of you claim in your emails and comments.
I support whatever suits me in whatever context I might find it in, be it national socialist ideas or muslim thoughts or American hamburgers or Jolly Jumper’s ass or yo mama.
Supporting something 100% for the sake of being right is religion, and I’m not a religious person.
In the words of Thayendanegea (1743-1807), aka Joseph Brant, Mohawk Indian chief, when facing King George III:
“I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand”.

>The Clash of Civilizations – Part One


As tribes in Kenya settle old scores in what has become an ethnic cleansing that probably will tear the land apart, I think of Samuel P. Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order (1996). Ethnic clashes in a McWorld gone mad.
The fault lines between civilizations will be battle lines of the future.

I’ve been working on an article presenting Huntington’s thesis for a while, but it’s not quite finished. However, now is a convenient time to draw attention to what I’m writing about, so here’s Part One of what hopefully will be some sort of series if I can put it all together.

The conflicts of the post-Cold War era will arise not from ideological or economic differences but from cultural divisions.
Huntington said that in 1993. Many look upon his thesis as if it foresaw the ongoing confrontation with radical Islam (as seen from a Westerners point of view). Others claim Huntington is very vague in his ideas and over-simplifies things. Some say there’s a clash going on within Islam, a clash for the soul of Islam, whilst there’s another clash going on in the West. What is clear though is that there’s a war between secularism and the sacred, between universal rights and traditions. And so much more, of course.

Huntington predicted that fundamental differencies between the world’s seven or eight major civilizations will pave the way for global turmoil in the years to come, and that’s where we are right now. It’s not a matter of national interests, but of divergent values, ideas, cultures, identities, religions. Civilizations.

On April 18, 1994 two thousand people rallied in Sarajevo waving the flags of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. By flying those banners, instead of U.N., NATO or American flags, these Sarajevans identified themselves with their fellow Muslims and told the world who were their real and not-so-real friends.

We know who we are only when we know who we are not and often only when we know whom we are against.

He wrote an article about this and it was published in Foreign Affairs 1993. Three years later he expanded his thoughts in a book.

Huntington clearly states that Islamic and Western civilizations are likely to clash, because Islam is the only civilization that aspires universalist values and poses a significant challenge to the West. The West cannot claim any universalist values, since The West is unique (in the mind of Huntington), not universal. He also speaks about how Islam and Confusianism will rise against the West. He means that the West should be very cautious about this development and thus control immigration and assimilate immigrants to avoid a “cleft country”. Huntington means that the West should “increase the civilizational coherence” and not “intervene in the affairs of other civilizations”. In case of a World War III, the United States should get Japan, Latin American states and Russia on their side against potential Islamic-Confucian cooperation.
That is what he said.
I say that universalism might as well equal imperialism in non-Western eyes.

After the Cold War era the world was forced to look upon global politics in a broader sense. Back then there were two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the USA. Now there’s only one, and with September 11th it was clear that the world’s only superpower was pretty far from untouchable. It was very fragile and people really seemed to wake up from their ancient slumber this time – and they stirred up a whole lot of fear.

And here’s where Part One of this series ends.

>Nietzsche – Morality as anti-nature

All passions have a phase when they are merely disastrous, when they drag down their victim with the weight of stupidity — and a later, very much later phase when they wed the spirit, when they “spiritualize” themselves. Formerly, in view of the element of stupidity in passion, war was declared on passion itself, its destruction was plotted; all the old moral monsters are agreed on this: il faut tuer les passions (“One must kill the passions”). The most famous formula for this is to be found in the New Testament, in that Sermon on the Mount, where, incidentally, things are by no means looked at from a height. There it is said, for example, with particular reference to sexuality: “If thy eye offend thee, pluck it out.” Fortunately, no Christian acts in accordance with this precept. Destroying the passions and cravings, merely as a preventive measure against their stupidity and the unpleasant consequences of this stupidity — today this itself strikes us as merely another acute form of stupidity. We no longer admire dentists who “pluck out” teeth so that they will not hurt any more.
To be fair, it should be admitted, however, that on the ground out of which Christianity grew, the concept of the “spiritualization of passion” could never have been formed. After all, the first church, as is well known, fought against the “intelligent” in favor of the “poor in spirit.” How could one expect from it an intelligent war against passion? The church fights passion with excision in every sense: its practice, its “cure,” is castratism. It never asks: “How can one spiritualize, beautify, deify a craving?” It has at all times laid the stress of discipline on extirpation (of sensuality, of pride, of the lust to rule, of avarice, of vengefulness). But an attack on the roots of passion means an attack on the roots of life: the practice of the church is hostile to life.

From Twilight of The Idols (1889).

>Ahmadinejad and honesty

What will Ahmadinejad’s outspokenness ultimately lead to? I must say I’m very fascinated with what he has to say. I whole heartily agree with his deep critique against Zionism, and his personal letter to Bush was just… wow! What at least seems to be honesty is something rarely shown in politics today. Perhaps I’m just misguided… Time shall tell.

Until then, feel free to read this interview and his letter to Bush, and by all means, please watch this interview (please bear with the embarrassing translator idiot and his fake ass broken English, that’s of course just them false Americans deliberately trying to make Ahmadinejad look stupid):

Ahmadinejad on the political culture surrounding the Holocaust:
(please notice that they don’t make fun of his language in this clip)

…and again:
(and notice, he clearly emphasizes: “I am not saying that it didn’t happen at all”)

The Western governments that carry the standard of secularism, anti-religion, and lack of respect for the rights of the peoples, and for the followers of all Abrahamic religions consider themselves the defense of the Zionist regime to be the most sacred value in the world. Zionism and the existence of the Zionist regime are so important to them that they do not even allow the raising of questions about the preparations and pretexts that led to the establishment of this regime.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Channel 1, Iranian TV, on October 6, 2007