>Originally posted December 17, 2006.

False media – we don’t need it, do we?
Public Enemy sure as hell got a point there.
And Noam Chomsky put it this way:
“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.”
I got mad and furious the other day when I read the newspaper.
“Teacher gave speech at anti-Semitic conference“.
I guess you’ve heard of it.
The teacher, Jan Bernhoff, now branded as a “Holocaust teacher” (he’s not even teaching history, he’s teaching computers…), is now temporarily suspended from work, and the city of Stockholm, his employer, wants him gone for good. However, that will be hard since he gave this speech on his spare time.
(UPDATE nov 2007: He lost his job.)
Let’s just say he was teaching history then. Is it unappropriate of him doing that considering his personal viewpoints? Let’s say he doesn’t agree 100% with the established history of the holocaust that occurred in Rwanda instead… Or let’s say he’s a christian teaching religion. Is he unsuitable as a teacher?
You digest that for a second.
People get upset by him visiting this conference, and that’s merely because they don’t know what they’re talking about, and they certainly don’t know what he is talking about.
So, let’s see what’s wrong with all this crap.
The conference in Teheran is NOT anti-semitic. That’s just the easy way out, told by uneducated people scared to face the horrible facts.
Sure, there are most certainly those visiting this conference who share a common hatred against the Jews, who have racist opinions and who would prefer that Israel was nuked to oblivion and so forth, but again – the conference is not anti-semitic.
The newspapers are very eager to mention that David Duke, ex-KKK leader, took part in this conference, and they also manage to mention Robert Faurisson because of his skepticism regarding the established version of the Holocaust (not mentioning his constant fight for your right to express yourself in whatever context possible without being put to jail for it…), but no one mentions the Rabbis, the orthodox Jews, in the audience. One can see that for himself by looking at the photos, but people rarely do any thinking by themselves nowadays…


“We came here to put the Orthodox Jewish viewpoint,” said British Rabbi Ahron Cohen. “We certainly say there was a Holocaust… But in no way can it be used as a justification for perpetrating unjust acts against the Palestinians.”
When the papers write “the revisionists are denying the Holocaust, they are Holocaust deniers” it comes across like revisionists and skeptics claim it didn’t happen, when in fact they are merely questioning the facts that we’re given today – and for that they are being sent to jail. It is obviously a crime to ask questions. That is the horrible truth.
The conference makes it possible to have a serious open debate about the Holocaust. That has not been the case earlier on because skepticism regarding the Holocaust has been a crime for over 60 years – and still is in a lot of “democratic” countries.
Don’t believe me?
Are you willing to learn some hard facts?
First, there are no easy answers. You’ll have to do some reading, some research and some thinking for yourself instead of relying on speculations, rumours, hearsay and what you think you know about the Holocaust.
Ask yourself: What did I learn in school regarding the Holocaust and what have I learned since then? Not much, right?
First, you should learn the difference between anti-semitism and anti-zionism.
Second, check out the site http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/.
Third, learn the basic facts about Holocaust revisionism and always keep them in mind. Do it here.
Fourth, read about the relationship between Israel and USA, and its connection with the Holocaust. Try this page.
Fifth, get a hold of the book The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein and read it.
Sixth, look up what has happened to David Irving, Germar Rudolf and other people who’ve dared to question the official version of the oh-so-holy Holocaust. (Hint: Expressing a different opinion regarding the Holocaust than what’s written in the history books equals jail.)
Seventh, ask yourself: How many Jews died in the Holocaust? Six million, right? Then ask yourself: How many german civilians died? How many gypsies? How many homosexuals? You don’t know? You don’t have a clue? Hmm… Why is that?
You should really learn how zionist forces use lobbyism to gain monopoly using the term Holocaust. Mind you, in their eyes there’s only one Holocaust. Forget about the Turks eliminating millions of Armenians, forget about Pol Pot in Cambodia, forget about Stalin and Rwanda…
Damn, I could continue with this list for weeks.
So let’s have a look at some hard facts instead.
Remember, history is revised all the time, every day, and history always has to be re-written as we go along exploring new facts, getting more information and learning new things. Pretty obvious, isn’t it? How come you can’t even ask questions about it without being sent to jail then?
The Holocaust history is drastically different if you look back some 50 years and compare with what we know today, but there’s still some obviously wrong “facts” being presented in history books and newspapers, even though they have officially been dismissed as facts a long time ago – even by established historians.
1. On May 12th, 1945, a few months after the liberation of Auschwitz, a Soviet State Commission reported that not less than four million people were murdered there. This number was displayed at the Auschwitz State Museum until 1991, when it was lowered to 1.1 million. So, from four million to one million overnight… What had been established facts for over 40 years, and thus being claimed as truth and norm, was all of a sudden totally wrong. And we’re talking millions of people here, not some small details.
Of course, this doesn’t lessen the gravity of the crime (remember the basic revisionist claims?) – even one murdered is one too many – but it makes one hell of a difference when talking politics.
Still, the six million figure is what most people refer to when being asked about the number of deaths.

2. When writing about the concentration camps, newspapers very often use the term extinction camps. Not too long ago one of the largest newspapers in Sweden referred to Dachau as an extinction camp where people were gassed to death.
Here’s two links to well known (non-revisionist) sites admitting that there were no gassings in the Dachau camp. It’s an established fact. And people have been sentenced to death for this, because witnesses have lied about massgassings in Dachau.
Also note that the death statistics for Dachau today are estimated to 32,000. Compare that to the sign outside the camp asking visitors to remember the 238,000 people who died in the camp… It was there for many years. It was completely wrong.
The photos…
Read the revisionist basic claims again. Revisionists do NOT claim that there weren’t any deaths in the war. People died horrible deaths. They were slain, executed, died of illness, starvation… No doubt about that. No one has ever denied that either, and if they do they’re just plain stupid. Again, get your facts straight.

Why is it forbidden by law to examine the earth where people claim there are massgraves? Why don’t they allow people to investigate all the archives that have been closed for sixty years? Wouldn’t that be a good way to get rid of all this controversy? In short, why can’t we let historians do their research like they always do?
Well, it’s certainly not happening…
If you accuse a whole nation of the most horrific crime in the history of mankind, then we must of course commence the most thorough investigation of the crime scene ever. How strange it hasn’t happened yet.
What’s the point with all this Holocaust revisionist stuff?
The swedish online magazine Kulturen wrote something interesting the other day.
“Som den israeliska journalisten Tom Segev visat har den specifika berättelsen som Israel byggt upp kring andra världskrigets judeförföljelse, där omkring 6 miljoner judar mördades, medfört att dagens israeler anser sig vara offer för utrotningslägren i betydligt större utsträckning än den generation som faktiskt utsattes för dem. Förintelsen har, enligt dessa synpunkter, således kommit att inkorporeras som en del av staten Israels berättelse om sig själv.”
In short: The Israel citizens (of Jewish origin) of today seem to claim to be even more affected by the Holocaust than the generation of people who were there and took part in the actual Holocaust.
There you have one point out of many. Reading The Holocaust Industry you’ll come up with a lot more if your mind is not all crooked and corrupt.
(Note: Förintelseindustrin is available in Swedish, published by Ordfront)
Do you think all of the above are the opinions of nutcases, maybe a part of some mindless conspiracy theory? Please, think again.
“Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.”
Richard Lynn
Professor Emeritus,
University of Ulster
The biggest problem here lies in the fact that when questioning the Holocaust you might be accused of doing the dirty work of the nazis. On the other hand, if you support the official version of the Holocaust – not questioning the obvious myths and lies – you support zionist hatred and violence.
Or you simply don’t care at all about these things. It’s your choice.
However, I despise both nazis and zionists equally. I’m all in it for the truth.
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored” as Aldous Huxley once so truthfully said.
One last note:
In the early days you got punished or executed if you denied God.
Galileo Galilei – the father of science, modern astronomy and modern physics – was forced to abjure, on his knees in front of the mighty Inquisition, his heretical views that the Earth moves around the Sun.
We haven’t evolved much since then, have we?
PS. Jan Bernhoff’s speech is available here for download. You go ahead and find the alleged anti-semitism in there… Good luck.
PPS. Headline quote taken from the Public Enemy song Don’t believe the hype.