>The U.S. Lynch Mob

>Originally posted January 07, 2007.

This was actually happening in 2006. No, the photo is not from some old Western movie.
You’ve seen it all – and it was not a proper execution, it was a dirty lynching instigated by a vicious mob.

Saddam was – all of a sudden, without further due – to be executed. They didn’t even finish the trials properly. And what a “trial” then… Did it conform to international standards for a fair trial? No way. Mock trial is the only word for this shit.

So why the sudden rush to execute this monster? Simply because by doing the only right thing – sentence Saddam to a lifetime imprisonment and thus being able to distinguish between lies and truth through thorough questioning (not through torture…) – would reveal war criminals on the “wrong” side of the track. Those in power would have been forced to open up. Be sure they are sighing in relief now that most of their war crimes won’t ever have to be brought to court… Their propaganda and distractions can continue. Israel and USA are already marching towards Iran.

In the words of Manuel Garcia, Jr:
There is no doubt that Saddam was guilty of great crimes, and any truly independent tribunal would have found him undeserving of retaining his liberty. A victory for the world public would have been a judgment requiring Saddam to reveal all the details of his career, during the course of a lifetime imprisonment. Historians and prosecutors in many countries would work from this record to winnow the truth from the lies, and to then enable the many agencies making up our international system of justice to pursue other perpetrators implicated in the tale.

The quick execution of Saddam Hussein is not simply “victor’s justice,” it is a demotion in a Mafia-style re-organization, the elimination of capo fallen from grace, to protect the power elite from any exposures that would threaten its control.

Because that’s what it’s all about: control, power, money…
You should know the drill by know. US of A sure do.

Full article here.

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