All posts by Indy

>A World of Confusion


In April 2009 I wrote a short piece entitled Engaging the Muslim World which contained the famous Bin Laden quote ”If I hated the Western way of life I would have hit Sweden” (meaning Bin Laden did not detest the US way of life, but the US foreign policies regarding for example Iran, Afghanistan and Israel/Palestine). A few things have happened since then.

Sweden is now in charge of a Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan and Sweden just faced the arrival of our first suicide bomber (no tie to al-Qaida yet, but definitely to fanatic, extremist muslim terrorism). Is there a connection? Well, to Taimour Abdulwahab, the terrorist, there sure was.

Most experts of today agree that the war in Afghanistan is a war that can’t be won. So maybe we should adapt our policies?

But then again, in the mind of a terrorist, had we not been helping out in Afghanistan there might have been a bunch of other reasons to hit Sweden. Terrorism shouldn’t be that rational. If it is, then it’s not labelled terrorism, but… perhaps, US foreign policy? Hell, Hillary Clinton has labelled the force of WikiLeaks as terrorist, so…
Everything is upside down in this world full of hate and confusion.

As for WikiLeaks, I’m stunned how weak mainstream media (at least here in Sweden) is when it comes to exposing and dissecting the material. If a journalist’s job is to investigate and challenge power, then the media is not doing its job. But that should come as no surprise, since mainstream media is a huge part of the power mongering elite itself. I wrote about that in the Fucked By The Mainstream articles.

Fucked By The Mainstream articles written in May 2008, Part 1234

One of the most amazing telegrams to come out of the WikiLeaks tank is the one talking about foreign contractors run by ex-Green Berets and war veterans who teamed up with Afghan policemen, took drugs and then hired and raped some Afghan ”dancing boys” (i.e. child prostitutes) in the ass. Something like that…
How come we don’t get to see that stuff in the mainstream media?

Read the breaking story here.
The Guardian reported about it here.
And this is the cable leaked by WikiLeaks: Afghan government asks US to quash ‘dancing boys’ scandal.

>Mjuka tankar om terrorattentatet i Stockholm 2010


Den här gången orkar jag inte tänka på engelska. Det får bli en ström av tankar på svenska, skrivna i affekt efter att ha tagit del av en otrolig mängd skitsnack om muslimer på det världsomspännande fria nätet som världsmakten nu är så mån om att begränsa…

Måhända får jag omvärdera tankarna vid ett senare tillfälle, men terrorattentatet i Stockholm har enligt min uppfattning att göra med följande:

1. Sveriges samarbeten med USA och det sionistiska Israel, USA:s utrikespolitik i stort, samt det sionistiska Israels dominans och arrogans gentemot omvärlden. Och börja inte ytlighetsjiddra om antisemitism med mig, tack. Det här går mycket djupare än så.
Jag har tidigare skrivit (på engelska) om sionismens destruktivitet på flera ställen i den här bloggen. Klicka här för en del av artiklarna.

2. En totalt misslyckad integrationspolitik som bl.a. beror på att media och politiker lever i en skyddad verkstad där man konsekvent vägrar att tala om de faktiska problemen. Yttrandefrihet och åsiktsfrihet existerar inte på riktigt. Har du “fel” åsikter får du nämligen inte vara med. Det torde vara uppenbart att vi lever i en skendemokrati.

Ska vi då stoppa invandringen? Nej, absolut inte. Däremot måste den urskiljningslösa massinvandringen stoppas, eftersom vi uppenbarligen inte lyckas hantera den. Detta har varit solklart sedan dag ett.

3. Det är skrämmande att folk fortfarande inte har fattat att religiöst fanatiska människor av den här kalibern menar blodigt allvar när man konstant skändar deras profet och religion. Det här är ingen lek för dem, vilket givetvis är svårt att förstå för en sekulariserad svensk som inte bryr sig eller har kunskaper om något annat än Idol och som gärna drar alla miljarder muslimer över en kam för vad några relativt få extremister håller på med.
Människor tycks ha svårt att förstå att man också kan få ta konsekvenserna av sitt agerande emellanåt, särskilt om man vet om att fanatikerna faktiskt menar allvar. Därmed inte sagt att man ska låta terrorister diktera våra friheter.
Som en parentes: Den organiserade brottsligheten har dödat betydligt fler oskyldiga än vad terrorismen har lyckats med.

4. Gemene man är så otroligt dåligt påläst när det gäller omvärldsbevakning och kan i princip aldrig se de större sambanden. Man kan inte relatera, helt enkelt. Man kan inte förstå att detta kan hända i Sverige. Till och med chefsåklagare Thomas Lindstrand tycker att det känns som ”science fiction”. Vilken verklighet lever dessa människor i?
Man vill leva kvar i sin Astrid Lindgren-värld och slippa bry sig om hur det egentligen ser ut i världen, trots att det räcker med att läsa löpsedlarna för att förstå hur illa ställt det egentligen är. Inte ens WikiLeaks kan få Svensson att vakna, ty informationen går över dennes vattenskalle.

Om kunskapen om omvärlden är usel, så är kunskapen om islam ännu sämre. Det tjatas om muslimer när det borde pratas om fanatiska extremister. Man pratar om islam som en enda konsekvent religion, när verkligheten innebär att politisk islam omfattar hela det politiska spektrat från vänster till höger. Precis som det finns tusentals riktningar inom kristendomen finns det tusentals, troligtvis fler, riktningar inom islam. Islam har knappast en enda given mening.

Tyvärr är det oerhört få som orkar diskutera omvärlden efter att ha trampat runt i råtthjulet en hel arbetsdag. Då räcker hjärnkapaciteten endast till för att slappa framför TV:n.
Notera: Jag tillhör naturligtvis själv ”gemene man” och vill inte gärna ställa mig över andra, men det är ett faktum att majoriteten av människovarelserna inte är kapabla till annat än att dumarbeta ihjäl sig, supa sig ännu dummare och därefter slappa framför TV:n.

Att ett självmordsattentat skulle ske i Sverige var bara en tidsfråga. Jag är förvånad över att det inte skett tidigare, och att det inte sker mer frekvent, med tanke på det rådande världsläget (som i princip har sett lika miserabelt ut sedan människans begynnelse…).

Mänskligheten får alltid vad den förtjänar, vilket tyvärr i slutändan leder till terrorism och förtryck i alla dess former. Sådan är människan. Här finns ingen respekt, här finns ingen fred. Man får vara glad att just det här dådet inte orsakade ett blodbad och att han gjorde kaos med sig själv och inte vad som rimligtvis kunde ha blivit hundratals oskyldiga.
Detta är förvisso den första självmordsbombaren i Sverige, men däremot inte det första terrordådet på svensk mark. Folk glömmer så lätt…
Men jag tror ändå att det här bara är början. Något annat vore konstigt. Varför skulle saker och ting plötsligt bli bättre i världen? Jag ser ingenting som tyder på det.

Lars Vilks taffliga rondellhundar då? Ska han inte få kludda med dessa? Jo, självklart ska han få det.  Yttrandefrihet, åsiktsfrihet, religionsfrihet osv är det viktigaste vi har. Man ska kunna skämta om allt. Samtidigt måste man inse att man även kan få ta konsekvenserna av sitt agerande. Man är liksom inte ensam här i världen.

Till syvende och sist handlar det om att respektera andras åsikter, hur konstiga de än må vara för en sekulariserad, priviligerad svensk som aldrig har varit i närheten av förtryck, krig, död, flykt och diktatur. Men det finns alltid en gräns för hur långt man kan gå i sitt syfte att provocera.

Personligen tycker jag givetvis att terrordåd som det här är fullkomligt sinnesförvridet, och att alla människor som brukar religionen enligt fanatismens oskrivna regler är körda i botten, men detta handlar inte så mycket om vad man som enskild person tycker, utan mer om hur man respekterar varandras åsikter i en globaliserad värld. Tyvärr har människan ingen känsla för något så enkelt som respekt utan tänker mestadels kortsiktigt på sig själv och har föga förståelse för omvärlden. Man håller sig inom tullarna, umgås alltid med likasinnade och tar sällan en diskussion.

Världshistorien bygger på våld och det finns ingenting som tyder på att det plötsligt kommer bli annorlunda och att våldet skulle trappas ner. Snarare tvärtom. Återigen: Mänskligheten får alltid vad den förtjänar. Västvärlden är inte navet i världsordningen, och om den vore det så borde den bete sig därefter. Om vi anser oss så mycket bättre än övriga folk så får vi visa det också, och inte bete oss lika korkat som den uppmärksamhetskåte Lars Vilks som ju är en nolla i sammanhanget. Jag blir nästan förbannad på mig själv som ens nämner honom här, även om jag fortfarande hyser stor respekt för hans tidigare konstverk.

Någon lösning på mänsklighetens idioti kan jag inte se, varken kortsiktigt eller långsiktigt. Människan är alltför korkad för att lyckas lösa ens de mest triviala vardagsproblemen, så varför skulle vi lyckas lösa det här?

Det bästa vore att börja om. Tillbaka till ingenting. Enter the void, into the wild, för att avsluta på engelska.

Enligt mig är ovanstående ett realistiskt sätt att se på saken.

>The Crash, The Israel Lobby and The Change of Attitude


The United States are facing a lot of internal problems at the moment, and the economic crisis probably hits and hurts the most. Can America really afford the $5 billion-plus that it annually provides to Israel? Its foreign policies are intended to benefit Israel, and the United States of course, but many of them have damaged relations and interests for both countries. It’s pretty obvious that the current level of U.S. support for Israel cannot be justified, especially not in times of despair.

43 million Americans live beneath the poverty level, including one in every five children. America’s richest one percent of the population own over 40 percent of America’s wealth. Hence, wealth is concentrated in too few hands, and the general public is burdened by too much debt to be able to buy goods produced by the corporations, where the wealthiest hold 81 percent of the stock… Of course there is a great CRASH because of this, and the end game of this massive wealth concentration is nothing but economic misery. You cannot tame the Wall Street greed machine.

Me, I’m not very good at economics, but the much spoken about Money as Debt film made me realize a few things. I highly recommend watching it, as well as its sequel Money as Debt II – Promises Unleashed.

–> Click here for Money as Debt with Swedish subtitles <–

However, going back to the Israel issue, American attitudes towards Israel are changing, pretty much with each Israeli outrage, such as the bombing of Lebanon and Beirut during the July 2006 war, and the civilian slaughter – more than one-third women and children – in Gaza 2008/2009. Americans are also becoming weary of Israel constantly moving the goal post in the ”peace negotiations”, and seem to realize how Israel always ridicule Obama whenever he tries to condemn Israeli settlements. Within days, Israel often announces more settlement construction. The Israel Lobby plays a big part here, and the fact that Obama is actually criticizing Israel will probably mean that his time as a President will be a one-term only. The Israel Lobby won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour.

Just the other week, Obama criticized Israel for announcing the process of 1,300 housing units in Jerusalem. He warned: “This kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace negotiations.  I’m concerned that we’re not seeing each side making the extra effort involved to get a breakthrough.”
Israel’s reaction: Knesset members as well as AIPAC staff attacked Obama, saying that he is ignoring the reality of Israel’s needs in Jerusalem.

At the same time, Zeinab Hajj, a 30 something Palestinian born, raised and still living in Shatila Camp and known for hosting many visiting thinking Americans in her family’s already crowded rooms, explains her situation: ”We know the American people are fair minded but their government has been hijacked by Zionists as surely as our land has been stolen by Zionists. In one sense the American people and the Palestinian people share the same dilemma and we have the same need to liberate ourselves.”

The collapsing American economy is also a huge factor when it comes to the American public distancing itself from Israel. Many do no longer believe in the American dream. Apple and Coca-Cola, Google and Microsoft are putting their money in Asia, where labor is cheap and markets are growing, and very little in the United States. It is rumoured that the Tea Party will insist on terminating foreign aid of all kinds if the U.S. unemployment level rises above 4 per cent. The times they are a changing…

The ADL is not changing, though. They are terrified, and recently sounded the alarm at the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, where fifty countries from six continents sent delegations to help combat what ADL’s Abe Foxman claims is ”a dangerous softening of US public opinion for Israel”. Apparently they were talking about ”cyber hate” and the usual bullcrap used in their campaigns of fear…

>The Generous Gambler by Charles Baudelaire

>Yesterday, across the crowd of the boulevard, I found myself touched by a mysterious Being I had always desired to know, and whom I recognized immediately, in spite of the fact that I had never seen him. He had, I imagined, in himself, relatively as to me, a similar desire, for he gave me, in passing, so significant a sign in his eyes that I hastened to obey him. I followed him attentively, and soon I descended behind him into a subterranean dwelling, astonishing to me as a vision, where shone a luxury of which none of the actual houses in Paris could give me an approximate example. It seemed to me singular that I had passed so often that prodigious retreat without having discovered the entrance. There reigned an exquisite, an almost stifling atmosphere, which made one forget almost instantaneously all the fastidious horrors of life; there I breathed a somber sensuality, like that of opium smokers when, set on the shore of an enchanted island over which shone an eternal afternoon, they felt born in them, to the soothing sounds of melodious cascades, the desire of never again seeing their households, their women, their children, and of never again being tossed on the decks of ships by storms.

Jacopo Caraglio, Italy, probably between 1520 to 1539.

There were there strange faces of men and women, gifted with so fatal a beauty that I seemed to have seen them years ago and in countries which I failed to remember and which inspired in me that curious sympathy and that equally curious sense of fear that I usually discover in unknown aspects. If I wanted to define in some fashion or other the singular expression of their eyes, I would say that never had I seen such magic radiance more energetically expressing the horror of ennui and of desire—of the immortal desire of feeling themselves alive.

As for mine host and myself, we were already, as we sat down, as perfect friends as if we had always known each other. We drank immeasurably of all sorts of extraordinary wines, and—a thing not less bizarre—it seemed to me, after several hours, that I was no more intoxicated than he was.

However, gambling, this superhuman pleasure, had cut, at various intervals, our copious libations, and I ought to say that I had gained and lost my soul, as we were playing, with a heroic carelessness and lightheartedness. The soul is so invisible a thing, often useless and sometimes so troublesome, that I did not experience, as to this loss, more than that kind of emotion I might have, had I lost my visiting card in the street.

We spent hours in smoking cigars, whose incomparable savor and perfume give to the soul the nostalgia of unknown delights and sights, and, intoxicated by all these spiced sauces, I dared, in an access of familiarity which did not seem to displease him, to cry, as I lifted a glass filled to the brim with wine: “To your immortal health, old he-goat!”

We talked of the universe, of its creation and of its future destruction; of the leading ideas of the century—that is to say, of progress and perfectibility—and, in general, of all kinds of human infatuations. On this subject His Highness was inexhaustible in his irrefutable jests, and he expressed himself with a splendor of diction and with a magnificence in drollery such as I have never found in any of the most famous conversationalists of our age. He explained to me the absurdity of different philosophies that had so far taken possession of men’s brains, and deigned even to take me in confidence in regard to certain fundamental principles, which I am not inclined to share with anyone.

He complained in no way of the evil reputation under which he lived, indeed, all over the world, and he assured me that he himself was of all living beings the most interested in the destruction of Superstition, and he avowed to me that he had been afraid, relatively as to his proper power, once only, and that was on the day when he had heard a preacher, more subtle than the rest of the human herd, cry in his pulpit: “My dear brethren, do not ever forget, when you hear the progress of lights praised, that the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he does not exist!”

The memory of this famous orator brought us naturally on the subject of academies, and my strange host declared to me that he didn’t disdain, in many cases, to inspire the pens, the words, and the consciences of pedagogues, and that he almost always assisted in person, in spite of being invisible, at all the scientific meetings.

Encouraged by so much kindness, I asked him if he had any news of God—who has not his hours of impiety?—especially as the old friend of the Devil. He said to me, with a shade of unconcern united with a deeper shade of sadness: “We salute each other when we meet.” But, for the rest, he spoke in Hebrew.

It is uncertain if His Highness has ever given so long an audience to a simple mortal, and I feared to abuse it.

Finally, as the dark approached shivering, this famous personage, sung by so many poets and served by so many philosophers who work for his glory’s sake without being aware of it, said to me: “I want you to remember me always, and to prove to you that I—of whom one says so much evil—am often enough bon diable, to make use of one of your vulgar locutions. So as to make up for the irremediable loss that you have made of your soul, I shall give you back the stake you ought to have gained, if your fate had been fortunate—that is to say, the possibility of solacing and of conquering, during your whole life, this bizarre affection of ennui, which is the source of all your maladies and of all your miseries. Never a desire shall be formed by you that I will not aid you to realize; you will reign over your vulgar equals; money and gold and diamonds, fairy palaces, shall come to seek you and shall ask you to accept them without your having made the least effort to obtain them; you can change your abode as often as you like; you shall have in your power all sensualities without lassitude, in lands where the climate is always hot and where the women are as scented as the flowers.” With this he rose and said good-bye to me with a charming smile.

If it had not been for the shame of humiliating myself before so immense an assembly, I might have voluntarily fallen at the feet of this generous gambler, to thank him for his unheard of munificence. But little by little, after I had left him, an incurable defiance entered into me; I dared no longer believe in so prodigious a happiness, and as I went to bed, making over again my nightly prayer by means of all that remained in me in the matter of faith, I repeated in my slumber: “My God, my Lord, my God! Do let the Devil keep his word with me!”


>You breed… Like rats!


Roadburn – the best festival I’ve ever been to – just announced that Godflesh are set to perform the legendary Streetcleaner album in its entirety! That sure deserves a whole bunch of exclamation marks!
This is one of the heaviest, dirtiest albums ever to grace this wicked Earth, and to be able to witness this at Roadburn is nothing but amazing. Streetcleaner was released in 1989, but still crushes most of what you’d call heavy these days. In a way, these recordings preceded the whole drone/sludge genre, and did so 22 years ago. Exclamation mark!

If you find it strange having a band playing the record just as it is when you might as well sit at home listening, you probably won’t ever understand the magick that occurs during a mighty fine concert – and Roadburn always delivers amazing gigs.
Compare listening to Through Silver In Blood at home with the onslaught that follows below:

Now worship Godflesh.

You breed – Like Rats
Breeding – Stylized – Deformity – Don’t look back
Breeding – Fade out – Lies – Deformity
Breed – Like Rats
You were dead from the beginning

Bonus goodness: