All posts by Indy

>False media – we don’t need it, do we? (Part 2)

Mass media – the drug of the nation.
Alongside the politicians, this is where we find the world’s greatest hypocrites. For 2 742 days mass media in Sweden was completely silent regarding the Dawit Isaak case. Now, all of a sudden, the four largest daily newspapers got together in a bombastic Free Dawit campaign, and I can’t help but shake my head in dismay. Why now? Why just the daily papers? And where’s their commitment the other days of the year? Shame on you, filthy swine.
Dawit Isaak has been the case in alternative press and blogs since day one.

And talking about swine: What about mass media and the swine flu? And the corporations feeding off our fear and the mad money they make?
How many people have died so far? Compare that to the number of people living in each country. And then check back on Africa: How many children die there everyday due to starvation? Some kind of answer: Think of it as 12 jumbo jets full of children that crash each day. And yet there’s only a massive wall of silence regarding these people.
Misanthropy accelerates… for each grave.

But then again, maybe this guy is the reason we don’t care. ;)

>MMA: The sickest submission ever?


Wow, this is the sickest submission ever! Some kind of crazy inverted triangle choke pulled off by Toby Imada which apparently caught Jorge Masvidal totally by surprise. I bet Jorge didn’t know what was happening until he passed out standing on his feet. Amazing!

Bellator’s premiere season consists of 12 two-hour events (first show aired April 4, 2009) and is broadcast every Saturday night. Make sure to check it out!

>Jean-Yves Lemoigne



Jean-Yves Lemoigne‘s photography is thought-provoking and surreal, almost in a Banksy kind of way. Even though these are commercial photos it seems like Lemoigne’s commercials are as interesting as his private shots. You’ll find a lot more photographs on his website, but I think it sucks with all the flash crap, so you might want to check this link instead.

Here’s a shot from a different series, a commercial for gardening tools.


>In most of my Roadburn posts I’ve been using art courtesy of Malleus without giving them credit, so here’s to you, oh masters!

Malleus is an art collective consisting of three people: Lu, Poia and Urlo (the last two also in the doom metal band Ufomammut). Their devotion to the gig poster as true art is amazing. Also, their stuff is limited as fuck, so if you see something you really like – buy or die.

Last year I was supposed to buy the Earth poster (above). It was priced at 60 Euros. At the time I found that a bit too much to cope with, but this year I’d decided 60 Euros is nothing if you consider the amazing art and look at it as a painting instead of a poster… Only this year the poster (painting!) was priced at 100 Euros. Damn! 100 Euros is a bit more than nothing, so I didn’t buy it. I’ll probably regret it next year when it’s up at 150 Euros or something…
Instead I bought the first Malleus book, The Hammer of God, which I really recommend if you like the stuff they are doing.

>Roadburn 2009 – The videos

The Roadburn Festival 2009 in Tilburg, Holland, was amazing. “Four days of food, smoke and fun”, as The Grass Company puts it. And a little bit of music as well…
I will write a report for Sweden Rock Magazine later on, but for now enjoy the videos I shot with my tiny Canon Ixus 75 camera.

Neurosis – Through Silver In Blood (Part 1/2)

Neurosis – Through Silver In Blood (Part 2/2)

White Hills


Bohren Und Der Club of Gore
Midnight Black Earth
