Category Archives: politics

>Theodore Kaczynski – The Unabomber, Part One

Theodore Kaczynski, June 21, 1996.

The story of civilization is […] the story of engineering. […]
Civilization is a matter of power over the world and nature and skill in exploiting this world. It has nothing to do with kindness, honesty, or peacefulness.
L. Sprague De Camp, The Ancient Engineers (1987)

I just read Industrial Society & Its Future a.k.a. The Unabomber Manifesto by Theodore John Kaczynski (born 1942), the infamous Unabomber (dubbed so by the media and the FBI because his early victims were associated with universities and airlines). It’s really nothing special. It’s filled to the brim with philosophical and environmental clichés that pretty much every sane person thinks about now and then; how science and technology alienate man from nature, how to raise awareness about the ecological crisis we’re facing, and how the system is wearing us down, limiting our freedom. It’s definitely not the work of a mad man, since his thoughts and beliefs are entirely reasonable.
What’s written in the manifesto is of great importance though, since it contains a lot of ugly truths. It’s too bad the manifesto has been written off as insane. Even activist groups such as Earth First! were shocked by this man who actually took their ecological jihad ideas serious…
And that’s what’s so very special, that’s what makes him a mad man; Ted Kaczynski was so very serious about his ideas that he ended up a terrorist leading a bombing spree that lasted for seventeen years where three people were killed and twenty-three seriously injured.

Psychiatrist Robert I. Simon writes in his book Bad Men Do What Good Men Dream:
”Every twenty-two seconds an American is beaten, stabbed, shot, robbed, raped, or killed.”
During the seventeen years that Kaczynski sent out bombs, 1978-95, more than 388,000 murders occured in America. Over 22,000 bombings killed 386 people and injured 3,634 others. Forty million people were injured by criminals during this period. These numbers are insane, but they speak of something very important: The difference between murderers and the ordinary citizens is merely a matter of degree.
Simon writes: ”After 32 years of work as a treating and as a forensic psychiatrist, I am absolutey convinced that there is no great gulf between the mental life of the common criminal and that of the everyday, upright citizen. The dark side exists in all of us…”
We think pretty much the same awful thoughts about our fellow citizens, but the bad man gives in to these dark impulses more easily. Many reach that line that Kaczynski did cross, but few of us step over it. A lot of murders are motivated by money, power, jealousy, lust, anger for being rejected… The Unabomber murdered for an idea.

He’s been labelled ”the most intellectual serial killer the nation has ever produced” by criminologists. He is the genius who entered the elite university of Harvard at age sixteen where he majored in mathematics (he scored at the top of his class with a 98.9% final grade), he earned a Ph.D. specializing in geometric function theory (”I would guess that maybe 10 or 12 people in the country understood or appreciated it”, said Maxwell O. Reade, a retired math professor), and then went on to become an assistant professor at the age of 25 at the University of California, Berkeley, where he worked for two years and then abruptly quit to move to Lincoln, Montana, where he went into the wild, built himself a cabin and began making bombs. He speaks several foreign languages, and all of his many letters (including the 35,000-word manifesto) contain no spelling or grammatical errors – even though they’re written on a shitty typewriter. Despite his case being one of the most expensive investigations in FBI history, running for seventeen years, he was never caught as a result of this investigation. Instead, his brother, who recognized his style of writing after the manifesto had been published by The New York Times and The Washington Post on September 19, 1995, tipped off the FBI, and so on April 3, 1996 agents arrested him at his remote cabin. 17 years of American terrorism had come to an end.
In short, he’s a dangerous man.
Today, 66 years old, he’s serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole.

—Inspired by the book Harvard and The Unabomber by Alston Chase.

To be continued in Part Two.

Jeanne Boylan’s famous drawing of The Unabomber.

>Fabled Enemies – A new documentary about 9/11

>Yet another conspiracy theory? You decide.

This is how the film is presented:

Rather than focusing on the physical anomalies at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, this film follows the intelligence ties of Osama Bin Laden, the alleged hijackers, and those who were actually detained on 9/11…

The movie delves deeply into the roles of seperate Nations that were involved in supporting the 9/11 attacks. From Israel to Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, and even the United States itself, no one is spared in this scathing expose that pulls no punches. Sit back and get ready to learn how members of the FBI had their investigations into Bin Laden obstructed and shut down, how the hijackers were trained at US bases, that military drills crippled our defense and facilitated the attacks, how the Shadow Government was actually activated that day, and much much more…

Join Alex Jones Productions and Jason Bermas, one of the creators of Loose Change, in his directorial debut on September 1st , as he loads new ammo for the Infowar…”

>European terrorism and the FRA law

Anti-terrorism ad in the UK.

There were 498 acts of terrorism across the European Union in 2006. More than half, 283, were executed by separatist groups targeting France (Corsica) and 136 were carried out by ETA in Spain. The remaining 16 percent were carried out by left-wing/anarchist groups in Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece. Only one was related to Islam.

95 percent of these terrorist acts were motivated by political reasons, not religious. Looking at these statistics, terror attacks are committed by people who are deeply frustrated about the current political situation, people who have no voice in the established arena. People who don’t get access to mainstream media take their work underground and nurish their hate unseen and unheard. That’s when things become dangerous.

The FRA law, which “gives the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA, Försvarets radioanstalt) the right to intercept all internet exchange points that exchange traffic that crosses Swedish borders”, is the beginning of silent oppression where politicians don’t want to deal with the wrath of the people being oppressed. They simply refuse to tackle the real problems.
In the end, it’s their loss. There will be blood (which also is the title of a great movie…).

(This post inspired by a letter to the newspaper Stockholms Fria, written by Karolina Hagegård)

>Censored blogs in the European Union?


Apparently the much debated FRA law is not enough. The next step towards totalitarianism and dictatorship seems to be “quality requirement” (!) on blog content, according to a recent motion for a European Parliament resolution. And of course it’s the State who decides what’s qualitatively good and what’s not… It’s a suggestion so far, but still dangerous as fuck! And no, it’s not a joke.
This is what happens when the people in power can’t control the masses.

The blog community equals democracy; people have realized that they can actually make a difference (which is exactly what happened here: people debate the FRA law on their blogs and media is left behind), and so it’s time for the State to raise its ugly head and put an end to democracy, silence the opposition and encourage capitalism. And this is how they do it.

“whereas weblogs represent an important new contribution to media pluralism and are an increasingly common medium for self-expression by media professionals as well as by private persons; their proliferation implies a need to establish legal safeguards providing for the assignment of liability in the event of lawsuits, and establishing the right to reply;

Suggests that for private-user-generated content in commercial publications and channels, ethical codes of conduct and terms of usage should be encouraged and royalties, commensurate with its commercial value, should be introduced;

Calls on the Commission to take into consideration the issues arising from the unethical usage and commercial misuse of user-generated content;

Check these blogs (in Swedish) for more information: EU och bloggarna: Det blir reglering!
Rick Falkvinge – Kvalitetskrav på bloggar?!
HAX – Det är väldigt mycket nu…

Previous posts about mainstream media and control:
Fucked by the mainstream Part 1
Fucked by the mainstream Part 2
Fucked by the mainstream Part 3
Fucked by the mainstream Part 4

>Genocide awareness


So many people, so many genocides, so many holocausts.
How strange then that in the eyes of so many there’s only one Holocaust, the trademarked one and only Holocaust that you hear and read about daily, and to express anything remotely close to criticism about this Holycaust immediately brands you as the evil one, the anti-Semite. End of discussion!
At least that’s what’s expected from the passive masses: silence as a result of fear of being labelled as the most politically incorrect term ever. Hopefully, this nonsense is about to change. Or better yet, it must change, since such childlike behaviour – you’re a Nazi! – should be wiped off the map immediately.

I’ve been reading David E. Stannards classic book American Holocaust (1992) lately, and even though he’s almost excusing himself for bringing this up, at least he tries to put things in perspective:

To say this is not to say that the Jewish Holocaust – the inhuman destruction of 6,000,000 people – was not an abominaly unique event. It was. So, too, for reasons of its own, was the mass murder of about 1,000,000 Armenians in Turkey a few decades prior to the Holocaust. So, too, was the deliberately caused “terror-famine” in Stalin’s Soviet Union in the 1930s, which killed more than 14,000,000 people. So, too, have been each of the genocidal slaughters of many millions more, decades after the Holocaust, in Burundi, Bangladesh, Kampuchea, East Timor, the Brazilian Amazon, and elsewhere. Additonally, within the framework of the Holocaust itself, there were aspects that were unique in the campaign of genocide conducted by the Nazis against Europe’s Romani (Gypsy) people, which resulted in the mass murder of perhaps 1,500,000 men, women and children. Of course, there also were the unique horrors of the African slave trade, during the course of which at least 30,000,000 – and possibly as many as 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 – Africans were killed, most of them in the prime of their lives, before they even had a chance to begin working as human chattel on plantations in the Indies and the Americas. And finally, there is the unique subject of this book, the total extermination of many American Indian peoples and the near-extermination of others, in numbers that eventually totaled close to 100,000,000.

More stuff about the Holocaust and Zionism:
Holocaust religion
Ahmadinejad and honesty
Modern Apartheid
American Radical – A documentary about Norman Finkelstein