Category Archives: quotes

>Obama + Clinton = Change?


Ok, so Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama’s primary rival, is now the secretary of State. Now, why would Obama, a man who ran a campaign based on a new kind of politics that was an implicit rejection of the Clinton years, choose a potent symbol of those years as his chief diplomat? You digest that for a second.
This clearly is yet another soap-opera starring corrupt politicians. It should be obvious to everybody except for the truly naïve who always fail to see through the political fakery (for example, Swedish “blog stars” who usually write columns about fashion or casual crap wrote how they cried when Obama made his victory speech…).

Mike Whitney says it much better than me in his article The Obama “Dream Team”, where he explains what it’s pretty much all about:

The truth is, Obama was shoehorned into the White House because the ruling elite saw that the country was slipping into a consumer-led depression. They needed a bright new face to restore confidence and spark optimism during the tough times ahead. But now that he’s been elected, they’ve surrounded him with the very men who, to great extent, created the present crisis.

Do read the full article!

Like I said before, it’s a huge step having a black man in the White House, but it won’t make that difference a lot of people seem to hope for. No change. Not for the one’s that need it anyway.
I’d like to quote the amazing Swedish poet Bruno K. Öijer here:

Men imponerad skulle jag först bli den dag när en homosexuell indian väljs till president i USA.

(When a homosexual American Indian is elected as President of the United States, that’s when I’d be impressed.)

>Music that matters: Brainbombs


I’ve been a fan for quite some years now, and I still get damned scared and mentally disturbed when I put on a Brainbombs album. Not to forget: I get totally mesmerized. I think it’s that combination, that enchanting horror, which constantly draws me closer to Brainbombs.
Because this is some seriously weird shit, I tell you.

The music consists of the totally degenerated sounds of guitars being thrashed to death, decibel destruction galore, with absolute deadly distortion, pacing back and forth, in and out of context. The vibe is that of a smelly toilet clogged with piles and piles of sick porno mags drenched in old sperm and vomit, chunks of dissolving human flesh on heroin spoons and insane screaming old men in pain gnawing their dirty long nails on the blood-splattered walls. Only you cannot hear the screams. Sometimes you hear a trumpet. Something like that. Truly negative vibes. The drums get a hold of your heartbeat and then slowly drain all life. The monotony is forever. Out of this thick dirt wall of noise rock guitars and hammersmashed drums and everyday darkness comes the voice of the real Satan, proclaiming in a moderate tone – without power, without soul, with slight retardation – the most vicious poetry put on tape. Peter Sotos would have been proud. The artwork adds to the delirium – sometimes clean as a newborn baby cunt, sometimes soiled with the filth of adults. I’m sorry I wrote that cunt thing. Brainbombs made me do it. Sotos made Brainbombs do it. Humanity made Sotos do it.

But in the end it’s only rock’n’roll. The very core of Brainbombs is that noise-drenched riff. Simple. Pure. Genuine. Complete. They put it best: Genius and brutality. Taste and power. Whatever that means?
I guess it means what you make of it. Because when listening to Brainbombs, sooner or later you’ll have to ask yourself: Why am I listening to this? The lyrics are about raping and killing prostitutes and children, they are about torture, sodomy, murder – all written in a descriptive realistic way, not at all funny, never humorous but just really disgusting and frightening, exploiting in detail the darkest side of humanity. Why are we listening to this? Why are their lyrics like that?
To me, it’s that enchanting horror again. To me, real culture should make an everlasting impression. Brainbombs achieve that – only they do it in a dirty, negative way. Who said art should be beautiful?

Two members of Brainbombs were also members of the band Totalitär, a band which is very popular amongst the crust-, hardcore- and punk PC-militia. I wonder if Brainbombs is accepted by these people because of the Totalitär connection? Maybe the Totalitär fans aren’t even aware of Brainbombs? It’d be interesting to hear them out. Next time I see a patched up punk I will ask.

Four years ago I wrote some notes about Brainbombs in the paper edition of Ny Moral #1. It went a little something like this:

Jag har ingen aning om hur snubbarna i Brainbombs ser ut. Bara det gör att de är ett av Sveriges främsta band – på en hel mängd plan och utan att överdriva det minsta.
Den här fixeringen vid hur ett band ska se ut gör mig så jävla förbannad… Ni kan pierca era näsor, tatuera era arslen och brännmärka era fontaneller tills ni ser ut som jävla julgranar, men gör ni inte bra musik hör ni inte hemma någonstans. Överflödig, andefattig musik är det värsta jag vet.
Efter att ha slukat en stor mängd Brainbombs-låtar (jag har lagt in allt de gjort i en fet Winamp-playlist) känns det som alla andra så kallade rockband kan dra åt helvete relativt omgående. Dock har det varit en svår process att få in Brainbombs i min lilla svartskalle.
Fascinationen för de morbida texterna och den så rått fragmentariska grafiken har funnits där sedan dag ett, likaså beundran för den totalt hängivna sången. Den sterila, men ändå livs levande, produktionen icke att förglömma eller förakta. Det är själva musiken som har varit svår. Och den förbannade trumpeten.
Jag tror det var under en feberknäpp en sen aprilnatt som allt föll på plats. Nästintill livlös och svettandes under dubbla täcken malde jag Brainbombs låtkavalkad nonstop i säkert sex timmar. Läsandes texter som ”I detta satans rum ligger någon på en bädd av blod och skriker”, ”I kill Anne Frank, open her like a butcher”, ”You’re a sexy bitch, but you stink” och ”Sixteen years old, fucks like a whore” så föddes min fascination.
Har upptäckt att Brainbombs funkar bäst under sjukdom.
Att texterna är svinigt influerade av Peter Sotos är lätt att se. Att de maler likt mantran gör det än mer fascinerande. Det här är inga ord som göms bakom poetiska dimridåer. Det här är ord som får en att rygga tillbaka med skräckblandad förtjusning. De psykotiska meningarna som avlöser varandra har någon slags mystisk dragningskraft. Genius and brutality. Men med tanke på att folket i Brainbombs härstammar från Hudiksvall och verkat i Uppsala kanske texterna känns mer relevanta om man främst sätter dem i ett amerikanskt perspektiv. Det är som sagt Sotos som inspirerat.
Hur beskriva musiken? Trasiga gitarrer, taktfasta komp, långa, monotona stycken, sällan mer än två riff per låt. Även på låg volym är det ganska störigt, och trots de få ingredienserna kan det säkert uppfattas som stökigt. Sången pratsjungs med en stel, högtravande röst som trots det rymmer en jävla känsla och kyla. Att höra Peter sjunga ”Starting to masturbate, into the child’s face” är en ondskefull upplevelse, och man är nog smått sjuk på riktigt om man inte någon gång under färdens gång frågar sig vad fan det är man lyssnar på. Cannibal Corpse må skriva liknande lyrik, men Brainbombs känns allvarligare än så.
Det som kan störa transen man försätts i efter idogt lyssnande är den satans trumpeten. Den poppar upp och väcker en från dåsigheten. Inte bra. Men kanske nödvändig ändå. Måhända fungerar den i alarmistiskt syfte.
Ett gäng släpp har dessa fyra herrar bakom sig, och mer tycks komma. Mycket av det de gjort är dock samlingar där samma låtar återkommer gång efter annan, och sådant hatar jag. Samlare som man är så tvingas man punga ut med pengar för porr man egentligen inte behöver. Så funkar materialismen, men i fallet Brainbombs känns det viktigt på något löjligt vis. Dyrkan kan anta skrämmande proportioner.
Den ultimata (och enda?) Brainbombs-siten, Genius and Brutality – Taste and Power, hittas här:
Idioter som tycker att Tomas Ledins Sommaren är kort är bra har givetvis ingenting att hämta i detta helvete. Ni kan ta era studentlägereldsspexiga låtar och era löjliga rättstämda guror och dra till ett annat hades.

Brainbombs are very much alive and kicking. They debuted with the songs I detta satans rum and Psychout kid on a compilation tape 22 years ago. 22 hours ago I got their brand new LP, Fucking mess, and it slays as always. They are like 44 years old and they slay yo mama. On December 12 they play live in Paris.

Check out Skinned alive from the new album. And then read and worship on the ultimate Brainbombs site.

>Zionism, Jews and conspiracy theories


Ben Heine‘s take on The Lovers
(check the ABOUT PORN!!! post for the original painting by René Magritte)

This is where I stand today:

  • I oppose Zionism, not Jews.
  • The essence of Zionism is Jewish ethnic domination over Palestine.
  • Zionism is the real enemy of the Jews, since Zionism causes global anti-Semitism.
  • Some Israelis, Americans, Jews and Zionists are responsible for the situation I’m about to describe. Some are not.
  • Israel and Zionism have always been in the wrong throughout history. The wrongdoings of the Palestinians pale in comparison.
  • There are always grey areas, and I do not applaud Palestinian terrorism.
  • The modern Jewish State would not be in existence without the Holocaust having occurred.

Now that you know my point of view, let’s get on with the program…

Why is it that everytime Jews are criticized in discussions we get to hear that the ones with an opposing viewpoint are either conspiratorial or anti-Semitic? Even when Jews criticize Israel, the Israel lobby or the Holocaust industry (like Michael Neumann, Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein do) they are most often labelled ”self-hating Jews” by the Zionists. Instead of discussing the main point we get to hear that type of whining bullshit. It’s nothing but a cowardly low way to avoid touchy subjects.
To dismiss a serious discussion by shouting ”conspiracy theory” is plain, simple and effective, though. The debate loses its credibility and its seriousness and the judeo-supremacists have won again. Nowadays there’s even a term called ”the new anti-Semitism”… Jeez. Try to learn the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism once and for all, will you? Opposition to Israel is not anti-Semitic. And since not all Jews are Israelis or supporters of Israel, to be against all Israelis or Israel is not to be against all Jews.
You need to get that into your brain if we’re supposed to have an honest and open debate.

Now, let’s look at your so called conspiracy theory. You know, just because people are constantly bitching about conspiracy theories doesn’t necessarily make them conspiracy theories.

How shall we adapt to the fact that Jews are overrepresented in the American banking systems (the Federal Reserve Bank)? What about AIPAC:s great influence – established through hard facts – in American politics? America’s financial and military aid in favour of Israel (Israel still remains the top recipient of US foreign aid world wide, Bush requested an aid budget of $20 billion dedicated to Israel in February this year…)?
These are just a few examples of very large Jewish overrepresentation and influence in the economic and political area. The question is, does the fact that these people are Jewish matter at all? Of course it does. That’s beyond doubt.
But that the lobby is working ruthlessly to benefit its cause is in itself not odd at all. That’s what lobby groups do. It’s about realpolitik, economic interests, power and influence. So why label it ”conspiracy” then? Why bitch about conspiracy theories when presented with obvious facts? Is Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry a conspiracy theory? If you think so, explain to me how.

If people were sane they would laugh at this very strange urge the Zionists have to label everything that votes against them as conspiracy theories or anti-Semitic. Unfortunately, the majority of the people are insane, brainwashed and untaught and finds even the most tiny criticism towards Jews as racist and politically incorrect (I bet you feel a bit uncomfortable reading this article, right?), and in a society like that, being labelled anti-Semite is as bad as being labelled pedophile. Not good, so to speak. The Zionists know this and hence use the term anti-Semite all the time to easily silence the opposition.

Here’s what Noam Chomsky has to say about conspiracy theories, and you might as well apply this to the discussion about Israel, Zionism, the Jews, USA or whatever conspiracy you’re talking about:

Part of the structure of corporate capitalism is that the players in the game try to increase profits and market shares – if they don’t do that, they will no longer be players in the game. Any economist knows this: it’s not a conspiracy theory to point that out, it’s just taken for granted as an institutional fact. If someone were to say, ”Oh no, that’s a conspiracy theory”, people would laugh. Well, what we’ve been discussing are simply the institutional factors that set the boundaries for reporting and interpretation in the ideological institutions. That’s the opposite of conspiracy theory, it’s just normal institutional analysis, the kind of analysis you do automatically when you’re trying to understand how the world works. For people to call it ”conspiracy theory” is part of the effort to prevent an understanding of how the world works, in my view – ”conspiracy theory” has become the intellectual equivalent of a four-letter word: it’s something people say when they don’t want you to think about what’s really going on.
Every example of planning decisions in the society is a case where some people got together and tried to use whatever power they could draw upon to achieve a result – if you like, those are ”conspiracies”. That means that almost everything that happens in the world is a ”conspiracy”. […]
Every business decision, every editorial decision is a conspiracy. […] Okay, obviously that’s not interesting: all decisions involve people. So the real question is, are there groupings well outside the structures of the major institutions of the society which go around them, hijack them, undermine them, pursue other courses without an institutional base, and so on and so forth? And that’s a question of fact: do significant things happen because groups or subgroups are acting in secret outside the main structure of institutional power?
Well, as I look over history, I don’t find much of that.
This term ”conspiracy theory” is an interesting one. For example, if I was talking about Soviet planning and I said, ”Look, here’s what the Politburo decided, and then the Kremlin did this”, nobody would call that a ”conspiracy theory” – everyone would just assume I was talking about planning. But as soon as you start talking about anything that’s done by the power in the West, then everybody calls it a ”conspiracy theory”. […] The guys in power aren’t idiots, after all. They do planning. In fact, they do very careful and sophisticated planning. But anybody who talks about it, and uses government records or anything else to back it up, is into ”conspiracy theory”. […] In other words, as soon as you describe elementary reality and attribute minimal rationality to people with power – well, that’s fine as long as it’s an enemy, but if it’s part of domestic power, it’s a ”conspiracy theory” and you’re not supposed to talk about it.
There is just no doubt that a lot of very conscious planning goes on among intelligent people who are trying to maximize their power. They’d be insane if they didn’t do that. I mean, I’m not telling you anything new when I tell you that top editors, top government officials, and major businessmen have meetings together – of course. And not only do they have meetings, they belong to the same golf clubs, they go to the same parties, they went to the same schools, they flow up and back from one position to another in the government and private sector, and so on and so forth. In other words, they represent the same social class: they’d be crazy if they didn’t communicate and plan with each other.
Now, the only significant question to ask is, is it intelligent planning? Okay, that depends on what the goals are. If the goals are to maximize corporate profits for tomorrow, then it’s very intelligent planning. If the goals are to have a world where your children can survive, then it’s completely idiotic.
Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power

As for the connection USA-Israel-Zionism-Holocaust I recommend the following books, they are essential reading when trying to understand the importance of this gigantic problem.
The Case Against Israel by Michael Neumann
The Holocaust Industry – Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman Finkelstein
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

You might also want to read The Case For Israel by Alan Dershowitz and The Case For Peace by the same author – but then you’ll be forced to read Norman Finkelstein’s response as well: Beyond Chutzpah – On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
If you are brave and have an open mind and do not back away from the politically incorrect you should also try Kevin MacDonald‘s The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements.
Also check the True Torah Jews Against Zionism site.
Interesting article: “Over 10,000 Orthodox Jews protesting the existence of the state of Israel”
More about U.S. Aid to Israel

Previous posts of relevance:

War is menstrual envy
War is menstrual envy II
Holocaust religion
Gilad Atzmon Taking Elder Peres Apart
You cannot question the Holocaust – Töben arrested again
Genocide awareness
American Radical – A documentary about Norman Finkelstein
Ahmadinejad and honesty
False media – we don’t need it, do we?
Nuclear war games – for real
Modern Apartheid
Propaganda for war
Obama – Hope or hopelessness
McCain or Obama? Does it really matter in the long run?
The war on/in Iraq
Religion and its influence on society
Political tests

>Chomsky on demoralized societies


Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power pp. 397-398

The vestiges of an integrated, socially cohesive, functioning society, with some kind of solidarity and continuity to it, have just been destroyed here. It’s hard to imagine a better way to demoralize people than to have them watch T.V. for seven hours a day – but that’s pretty much what people have been reduced to by now.
In fact, all of these things really illustrate the difference between completely demoralized societies like ours and societies that are still hanging together, like in a lot of the Third World. I mean, in absolute terms the Mayan Indians in Chiapas, Mexico [who organized the Zapatista rebellion in 1994], are much poorer than the people in South Central Los Angeles, or in Michigan or Montana – much poorer. But they have a civil society that hasn’t been totally eliminated the way the working-class culture we used to have in the United States was. Chiapas is one of the most impoverished areas of the Hemisphere, but because there’s still a lively, vibrant society there, with a cultural tradition of freedom and social organization, the Mayan Indian peasants were able to respond in a highly constructive way – they organized the Chiapas rebellion, they have programs and positions, they have public support, it’s been going somewhere. South Central Los Angeles, on the other hand, was just a riot: it was the reaction of completely demoralized, devastated, poor working-class population, with nothing at all to bring it together. All the people could do there was mindless lashing out, just go steal from the stores. The only effect of that is, we’ll build more jails.
See, there’s an experiment going on. The experiment is: can you marginalize a large part of the population, regard them as superfluous because they’re not helping you make those dazzling profits – and can you set up a world in which production is carried out by the most oppressed people, with the fewest rights, in the most flexible labor markets, for the happiness of the rich people of the world?
Can you have an economy where everything works like that – production by the most impoverished and exploited, for the richest and most privileged, internationally? And with large parts of the general population just marginalized because they don’t contribute to the system – in Colombia, murdered, in New York, locked up in prison. Can you do that? Well, nobody knows the answer to that question. You ask, could it lead to a civil war? It definitely could, it could lead to uprisings, revolts.

Isn’t that pretty much what happened in France in 2005 and 2007?
Here’s what the French duo Justice has to say about it, this is STRESS (boycotted by several TV-stations):

>Gilad Atzmon – Taking Elder Peres Apart


Gilad Atzmon, amazing jazz musician (he plays the saxophone, clarinet, flute and laptop, and his album Exile recieved the “Best Jazz Album of The Year” by BBC in 2003 – go get it!), excellent writer and intellectual activist, recently published an article entitled Taking Elder Peres Apart.
Before you read it, bear in mind that Gilad Atzmon was born in Israel, raised as a secular Jew and served his military service in the time of the Lebanon war, a war that made him very sceptical about Zionism and its racist policies (which any sane human being should be).

Visit his website here, listen to some beautiful jazz and read some of his many articles. You may start with this one:

Taking Elder Peres Apart
By Gilad Atzmon
Sep 25th, 2008

Truth must be said, I do admire fierce President Ahmadinejad almost as much as I despise war criminal Shimon Peres.

However reading the rant Peres gave Wednesday during the UN’s General Assembly is a rather amusing experience. The man who has more blood on his hands than any living Israeli politician was rather daring.

“The Iranian people are not our enemies,” declares Peres. This is a pretty interesting statement, bearing in mind that Israeli Minister Mofaz threatens to nuke Iran on a daily basis. “Their leader (Ahmadinejad) is a danger to his people, the region and the world.” Again, a very bold statement considering the established statistical fact that the vast majority of Europeans actually see Israel and the USA as the leading threat to world peace.

But Peres wouldn’t stop just there, following the tradition of the Jewish Marxists who always know better than anyone else what is good for the world proletariat, the Palestinians and so on, Peres, the Yiddishe Mullah knows what Islam is all about:

“He (Ahmadinejad) is a disgrace to the ancient Iranian people. He is a disgrace to the values of Islam.”

But it isn’t just Islam’s values Peres specializes in. He also knows better than the assembly of nations what is good and what is bad. Seemingly Peres must be convinced that Judification of the entire world is completed. This allows him to decide what the UN is all about and who should be allowed to speak on its platform.

“He (Ahmadinejad) is a disgrace to this very house, the United Nations, its basic principles and values. His appearance here is already a shame.”

Whether Peres was himself successful in addressing the nations is a question that will be left to historians and analysts, however, he himself wasn’t totally convinced by his own shallow arguments. Thus he ended up employing the most tedious overused Hasbara propaganda. The pathetic repetition of the “Elders of Zion” tale is one example.

Shimon, let me advise you, you had better keep quiet about this `Elder’ topic at least momentarily. You see, in crumbling America, a super power that was toppled by policies set by Wolfowitzes and Greenspans, the Elders of Zion is a devastating reality. You really do not want to go there, you really do not want to be the one who brings it up.

However, Shimon, just to remind you that amongst your own countless disastrous fatal personal failures was the Oslo Accord. It was you who coined the zio-centric idiom `New Middle East’ with the Jewish state as its `financial capital’. Let me tell you Shimon, this `dream’ of yours qualifies you as the epitome of the Zionist Elder.

However, the Elders of Zion is just one Zionist weapon, once it is brushed aside. The last Zionist weapon of mind destruction is there to be launched, the Shoah and its denial:

“Their despicable denial of the holocaust is a mockery of indisputable evidence, a cynical offense to survivors of the horror. Contradictory to the resolutions adopted by this assembly.”

Listen to me carefully president Shimon, we better admit it, the Zionist Holocaust narrative is falling apart and you have only yourself to blame. For the last 60 years, you and your people have been killing Palestinians in the name of Jewish suffering.
Consequently, Israelis are regarded by many as the `Nazis of our time’. In other words, your present sinister ugliness is far more concerning for all of us than the Nazi crimes that happened 65 years ago. Differently than any other historical event, the Holocaust is a closed book for research, with its crimes that we are not even allowed to scrutinize properly, due to strict laws about what can and cannot be researched or even uttered.

However, in order to maintain the Holocaust Zionist narrative untouched, a strong dollar maintained by `friendly’ bankers is needed. Unfortunately, as you may realize, the dollar is not doing very well at the moment and your `friendly’ bankers are about to be subject to a federal investigation. If I were you Shimon, I would ask my Hasbara guys to come up with something slightly better than the old Holocaust to distract everyone from reality.

At a certain stage in his speech, Elder Zionist Peres becomes either a stand up comedian or senile, I just cannot make up my mind yet.

“Iran,” he says “continues to develop enriched uranium and long range missiles. They introduce a religion of fear, opposing the call of the Lord in respect of life.”

Shima’le, look in our eyes when you say it, wasn’t it you yourself who launched the Israeli nuclear project? Wasn’t it you who introduced the entire region to the nuclear threat? Shima’le you are no doubt a disgrace to human intelligence. No wonder the Israelis themselves never voted for you in your entire political career.

However, once you start to spread Israeli Hasbara lies, no one can really stop you:

“Iranian support for Hezbullah divided Lebanon. Its support for Hamas split the Palestinians and postpones the establishment of the Palestinian State.”

I was always sure that Israel loves to see the Arabs divided, was I wrong? And if Iran indeed divides Lebanon and the Palestinians you should really support Iran, am I wrong again? You are obviously lying. Being an Elder Zionist you stand in front of the nation and fib. You know that neither the Lebanese nor the Palestinians are divided. You know very well that the Hamas and the Hezbullah is the new spirit of Islam.

May I advise you, Mr Israeli president: We all support the Hezbullah especially when they crushed your `mighty’ army. We all support the democratically elected Hamas. As the truth of Zionism unveils itself, we all come to know who are the enemies of peace. May I suggest to you one more thing. You should never be worried about the Palestinian people being split. As split as they may look, they are far from being divided. They all see the victory at the end of the dark Zionist tunnel !!

>Zeitgeist – Addendum


1. Mathematics is the language of nature
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature. So what about the stock market…
My hypothesis, within the stock market there is a pattern, right in front of me…
Max Cohen, Pi

Zeitgeist – Addendum is released for free online Oct. 3, 2008.

>Escape from suppression – The school shooting in Finland

Ron Anderson – Escape From Suppression

The three dimensional empty straightjacket is incorporated into the painting of Planet Earth where all humanity resides. Does it imply that humanity is enslaved or does it imply that humanity has been released from suppression because the straightjacket is empty? When you view this from a distance, the jacket isn’t easily visible – and so is suppression often disguised and not easily seen. The decision to be free from the vested interests that would enslave humanity for their own purposes lies with every individual’s understanding of The Declaration of Human Rights and their resolve to make it a reality.

Yet another tragedy, this time in Kauhajoki, Finland. It seems to be pretty much the same kind of tragedy as when Pekka-Eric Auvinen killed eight people and injured twelve, so I urge you to read what I wrote back then.

Society’ sickness – November 13, 2007
Tool and die – April 17, 2007

And once again I quote Nikanor Teratologen (unfortunately in Swedish):

Det går inte att genom någon sorts överhetskampanjer eller mer omfattande kontroll-, övervaknings-, angivar- och stigmatiseringssystem heltäckande skydda skolor, arbetsplatser, offentliga platser överhuvudtaget mot enskildas planlagda och sedan lössläppta mordiska hämndraseri. Förändringarna måste inledas på individplanet, i människors beteende och attityder mot varandra. Man bör helt enkelt inte kränka och bete sig illa mot andra varelser på jorden. Allt är ett, sammanvävt, förgängligt.
Den grandiost sadomasochistiska och Kristusyrande självbilden som tröstande och upplyftande suggererar existensen av en andligt besläktad krets att höra hemma i och betyda något avgörande för har, imaginärt, förintat den invalidiserande känslan av att inte duga, inte räknas, inte vara älskad och inte tillåtas hysa känslor, inte finnas till…