>Francis Parker Yockey


In this century it is of scant importance what language a European speaks and in what geographic area he was brought up. Of importance only is the spirituality that permeates his inner life.
In this century the idea of vertical race is dead. We can now view race only in horizontal terms – the race one feels in oneself is everything. The anatomic-geographic group to which one belongs means nothing.
Our touchstone of comradeship and belonging is spiritual-ethical, not the old one of birth-place, cephalic-index, eye-colour. In the 20th century, the century of elective affinities, materialistic tests are pure stupidity.
The Enemy of Europe (1953)

These are the words of Francis Parker Yockey, American born philosopher (who highly praised European high culture), most often labelled fascist, Nazi revivalist, anti-Semite, anti-American and far right mystery man.
I tend to enjoy reading about these guys and their ideas. I’m fascinated by their explicit ways of looking at the world, I find it dedicated and to the point (even though often narrow-mindedly romantic), whereas the mainstream equivalent philosophers and historians are extremely limited when it comes to sensitive subjects due to their political correctness. They often end up straight hypocritical or plain lame and grovelling, and I find that a waste of time.
I do not necessarily agree with everything I read, be it Spengler, Nietzsche, Pound, Yockey or whatever politically incorrect dude you might find in here. However, when I find something of importance to me, I treat it as I treat all kinds of knowledge. I don’t care if it’s right, left, wrong… As long as it means something to me it is of relevance. Simple as that.
And I think the above quote proves just that; even though you’re a dick in the public eye, you still might have some interesting stuff to communicate.

Here’s a review of the Yockey biography Dreamer of The Day (1999).

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