>Censored blogs in the European Union?


Apparently the much debated FRA law is not enough. The next step towards totalitarianism and dictatorship seems to be “quality requirement” (!) on blog content, according to a recent motion for a European Parliament resolution. And of course it’s the State who decides what’s qualitatively good and what’s not… It’s a suggestion so far, but still dangerous as fuck! And no, it’s not a joke.
This is what happens when the people in power can’t control the masses.

The blog community equals democracy; people have realized that they can actually make a difference (which is exactly what happened here: people debate the FRA law on their blogs and media is left behind), and so it’s time for the State to raise its ugly head and put an end to democracy, silence the opposition and encourage capitalism. And this is how they do it.

“whereas weblogs represent an important new contribution to media pluralism and are an increasingly common medium for self-expression by media professionals as well as by private persons; their proliferation implies a need to establish legal safeguards providing for the assignment of liability in the event of lawsuits, and establishing the right to reply;

Suggests that for private-user-generated content in commercial publications and channels, ethical codes of conduct and terms of usage should be encouraged and royalties, commensurate with its commercial value, should be introduced;

Calls on the Commission to take into consideration the issues arising from the unethical usage and commercial misuse of user-generated content;

Check these blogs (in Swedish) for more information:
Henrik-Alexandersson.se: EU och bloggarna: Det blir reglering!
Rick Falkvinge – Kvalitetskrav på bloggar?!
HAX – Det är väldigt mycket nu…

Previous posts about mainstream media and control:
Fucked by the mainstream Part 1
Fucked by the mainstream Part 2
Fucked by the mainstream Part 3
Fucked by the mainstream Part 4

>Genocide awareness


So many people, so many genocides, so many holocausts.
How strange then that in the eyes of so many there’s only one Holocaust, the trademarked one and only Holocaust that you hear and read about daily, and to express anything remotely close to criticism about this Holycaust immediately brands you as the evil one, the anti-Semite. End of discussion!
At least that’s what’s expected from the passive masses: silence as a result of fear of being labelled as the most politically incorrect term ever. Hopefully, this nonsense is about to change. Or better yet, it must change, since such childlike behaviour – you’re a Nazi! – should be wiped off the map immediately.

I’ve been reading David E. Stannards classic book American Holocaust (1992) lately, and even though he’s almost excusing himself for bringing this up, at least he tries to put things in perspective:

To say this is not to say that the Jewish Holocaust – the inhuman destruction of 6,000,000 people – was not an abominaly unique event. It was. So, too, for reasons of its own, was the mass murder of about 1,000,000 Armenians in Turkey a few decades prior to the Holocaust. So, too, was the deliberately caused “terror-famine” in Stalin’s Soviet Union in the 1930s, which killed more than 14,000,000 people. So, too, have been each of the genocidal slaughters of many millions more, decades after the Holocaust, in Burundi, Bangladesh, Kampuchea, East Timor, the Brazilian Amazon, and elsewhere. Additonally, within the framework of the Holocaust itself, there were aspects that were unique in the campaign of genocide conducted by the Nazis against Europe’s Romani (Gypsy) people, which resulted in the mass murder of perhaps 1,500,000 men, women and children. Of course, there also were the unique horrors of the African slave trade, during the course of which at least 30,000,000 – and possibly as many as 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 – Africans were killed, most of them in the prime of their lives, before they even had a chance to begin working as human chattel on plantations in the Indies and the Americas. And finally, there is the unique subject of this book, the total extermination of many American Indian peoples and the near-extermination of others, in numbers that eventually totaled close to 100,000,000.

More stuff about the Holocaust and Zionism:
Holocaust religion
Ahmadinejad and honesty
Modern Apartheid
American Radical – A documentary about Norman Finkelstein

>McCain or Obama? Does it really matter in the long run?


As for The US presidential election 2008, scheduled for November 4, people ask “McCain” or Obama? Who’s the best?”. I’d rather rephrase that and ask: Who’s the least bad of these two guys?
Because let’s face it, the outcome won’t make such a big difference, at least not when it comes to foreign politics. US politics are not run by its presidents.

Choosing between two evils, I’d go for Obama. Simply because he’s an intellectual human being, but that’s pretty much it. McCain, a 73 year old soon to be dead Bush clone who has no problem forming an alliance with the Christian extreme right (and look at Sarah Palin, a member of the NRA, who is against abortion and who advocates that creationism could be taught alongside evolution in biology class!), should be no option at all, in my opinion.
Obama at least wants to improve foreign relations, but he’s still in the hands of the lobby and will be forced to be yet another marionette, or else he’ll be crushed. The lobby is that powerful.

As I see it, the most important thing is to get rid of the neocons and to make the Israel lobby less influental. Israel still remains the top recipient of US foreign aid, which is absolutely insane knowing the current state of the world. In February, Bush requested an aid budget of $20 billion dedicated to Israel, a 12 percent increase over 2007 (Egypt is the second largest recipient, at about $1.5 billion). Israel has plowed US money into developing technology companies and buying US weapons, which pretty much says it all. That kind of support won’t stop just because Obama becomes the next president. He cannot afford that.

With McCain as president the imperium of the United States will probably fall faster than expected… He will finish the failure and collapse that Bush started, and it will not be nice. Remember, they are both war presidents.

On another note: USA have its fair share of extreme nutcases (like every other country). Will they really accept a black president?

>Female blues singers – The vocal ghosts


I’ve never been a fan of blues music. I like the stories that surround the genre, and I like that distinct bad sound quality of really old blues tracks, but when thinking of blues I think of wining men repeating themselves over and over again… And you know people who say all reggae sounds the same? That’s what blues is like to me. It all sounds the same.
But this weekend I passed that treshold of ignorance and realized it’s not like that at all. I’m still no big fan of blues, though. I own one single record and that’s it. No mpthrees, no movies, no books, nothing but that cd I bought this weekend. 24 tracks all sung by female blues singers. Yep, that’s right, female blues singers from way back in the 1920’s. I hardly even knew they existed, to tell you the truth.
Because things were quite different 90 years ago, especially on the gender role front. Women’s rights were a total joke and racism and discrimination was the normal state of the day; especially in the music business, and, I guess, especially in the blues business. Imagine being a black woman singing the blues then… What did people think about their stuff back then? How were they marketed to the public, if at all? How many copies were made? How many were sold? How are people able to find these ultrarare, superobscure recordings? There must be some mad stories to tell here.
However, many of these artists only recorded one song and for the most part there’s no information whatsoever to be found about them. Still most of these tracks are filled with so much emotion. Seems like many of them worked at carnivals, touring the vaudeville circuit. Some accompanied silent films. Still, there must be stories to tell. There are stories everywhere.

I found it strangely mesmerising listening to these old vocal ghosts (especially right before falling asleep at night). These women are wining and crying about just the same things that the men usually wine about, but from a woman’s perspective of course. In other words, they’re just as miserable as the men (Oops!). The title alone says it all: Oh, run into me, but don’t hurt me! A craving for sex, lust and feelings, ”between crudeness and despair” as stated in the liner notes.

Now you’re layin’ up in my bed, between my two white sheets
I can’t see and smell nothin’, but your doggone feet
And I’m thru, tryin’ to make a man of you
And if you can’t bring a job don’t you look for your daily stew

I worked hard from Monday until late Saturday night
And you’re a dirty mistreater, you ain’t treatin’ me right
And I’m thru, cookin’ your stew and beans
And you’re a dirty pot hound, dirty as any man I’ve seen
Lucille Bogan, Pot Hound Blues (1929)

Did some google work and found that the Document label has released 14 CD’s that includes the complete output of obscure classic female blues singers from the 1920s/early ’30s. Well, the one I got is enough for now, but if I get hooked I guess this wiki article will keep me busy for a while. Always exploring, too much is never enough.
You may listen to samples of the songs at the Allmusic site.

>Jim Goad – Till truth do us part

One of these guys is Jim Goad. Guess who.

Jim Goad has been challenging the status quo of humanity and everyday stupidities for aeons. He’s probably most (in)famous for his and his late wife’s fanzine ANSWER Me!, where the fourth issue is known as “The rape issue”. The article “It’s a rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape world” can be read here (PDF).
As always, people judge the book by its cover. As always, people are wrong (I come to think of the awesome band Today Is The Day and the song title The cold harshness of being wrong throughout your entire life…). Most often it’s peoples’ own prejudice and ignorance that stands in their way of rational thinking and simple understanding. That’s why they’re living fake lives. There’s no time for understanding in these peoples’ lives, cuz there are TV shows to watch and shit to be bought. Exhume to consume.
Don’t let the truth anywhere near me, you crazy bastard! I ain’t got time for no truth, boy!

I’m interested in Goad’s truths, because I believe he’s got some in stock. The truth is one ugly motherfucker, but ugliness is not something we’d like to be acquainted with, so we choose the easy way out. Goad tends to choose the hard way. Always the hard way. And when you like it hard, you’ll be looked down upon with suspicion by Them -the evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death’s construction

Now check these quotes from various interviews and columns, straight out the mouth of this unholy Goat.

Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact. And since power is built on money, it is in politicians’ best interest to fan racial unrest—even when it’s done under the guise of anti-racist touchy-mushy let’s-all-hold-hands propaganda, because anti-racism still keeps everyone’s attention fixated on race—to divert attention away from financial inequities. They do this because they know that it works.


I tried to make it clear in The Redneck Manifesto that it’s unwise to ask a sociopath for advice about running society. I do think it’s ironic that people are more worried about words such as “nigger” than they are about the fact that most of the nation, black and white, is being squashed down into an abject, powerless peasantry whose government treats them all like prison inmates. But hey, it’s OK—even though our standard of living is shit compared to a generation ago, at least we don’t say “nigger” no mo’.


Back in ’95, when the District Attorney of Billingham, Washington, took a pair of newsstand owners to trial for selling ANSWER Me! #4, it was truly surreal to see layouts from my magazine blasted onto a white wall with an overhead projector. “Basically, it tells you how to rape everyone”, the DA told the jury. It’s always unsettling when a stranger seems certain of your intentions and motivations, when they couldn’t be further from the truth. This sense of anguish is heavily compounded when the stranger in question has the power to destroy your life.


This whole idea of someone objectively “deserving” punishment for their actions is an antiquated, pseudo-biblical concept and almost entirely foreign to me.


The Ebola virus and similar detergent products underpin what we’ve always said in ANSWER Me!: The best humanity can hope for is to be eventually crushed by nature.


In my writing, I try to focus on things which seem obvious to me, but about which society is rampagingly hypocritical.


I tend not to hold accidents of birth against people. I am much more attuned to willful decisions people make than skin color or genitalia. How do they deal with you one on one? How ethical are they?


Any monotheistic religion is years behind any religion the East came up with. Apparently monotheism is one of the building blocks of modern society. I think the Hindus, Buddhists and Dhaoists are all light years ahead of Western religion.


I remember when the Oklahoma City bombing happened, everyone immediately thought it was at the hands of Arabs. Wait a second. There are Americans so disgruntled that they blow things up? That was an exciting idea.


Every black guy who was in my cell said he respected nazis and no one else because they presume everyone is tribal and everyone is a racist. They know where they stand with the nazis. They’re not going to stab them in the back. They will stab them while looking at them, which is preferable.


I think we all know what is wrong with us. The question is – Do you have the bravery to confront it?


You are not better because you are a black woman. You’re a human being. You are just as bad as I am. That’s egalitarian. These people who claim to be anti-sexist and anti-racist are sexist and racist. I don’t see equality in intellectual aptitude but everybody is prone to be an asshole. That’s the only equality I know of.


Nothing that humans do surprises me but the way they tend to cover it up is what repels me.

More Jim Goad:
The redneck speaks
Prayin’ hard
Humanism without humans

>Graffiti – Art Crime – Hardcore tagging


And now for the part of graffiti that the majority of people hate the most, and that I – of course – love the most: TAGS! I was about to write something pretentious about the beauty and individuality of the tag, when I found German writer REW had done just that in the magnificent book Writing – Urban Calligraphy and Beyond, so I just copied parts of his text…
Watch the videos, check the pictures (click on them for larger size) and read his writings. Give it a try. There’s more than meets the eye.

…to the majority of people, who hardly ever think about this aspect or simply don’t understand it, the shapes and histories of tags mean absolutely nothing, least of all appeal to them. ”I enjoy those large, vidid images! But I don’t see the point of the small, black scribbles on the wall. Those are ugly!” Sound familiar?
I should point out that there will always be people who, even if they are familiar with the subject of tags, simply don’t like their aesthetics and would rather see a pristine wall. These people get extremely upset when it gets ”soiled” again. This is a topic that should be considered in a different discussion on property and personal values. I would like to talk about the tag itself instead, its form and its essence. I’d like to talk about the fact that a tag is very different from banal ”smears” such as a few random brushstrokes in a room that’s about to be repainted anyway. Tags are the result of very specific needs that have accompanied humanity for thousands of years. Tags are about spreading a message, about drawing attention to something.
No matter if 74,000 posters all over the city shout out that a new Volvo is finally available, or if Peter lets Maria know that he has fallen for her on the wall that’s on her way to school, or if a writer leaves his tag at representative locations – the parallels are obvious. Especially when it comes to writing, there are a number of different reasons for tagging. The most obvious one is fame and recognition from simply generating as many tags as possible at many conspicuous locations in different parts of a city or districts. Another big motivation for tagging, and this aspect I’d like to emphasize here, is working with different styles!
In addition to spreading their own name, there are some writers who place a lot of importance on the form and the individual style of a tag. This might be about how an ”R” or an ”S” should be shaped, what the ideal proportions are, if it would look better broad and long or slim and tall, if a certain line of a letter should be long or short, if it should be round and curved or straight and angular, if the transition between the letters should be gradual or distinctly separate, or which, if any, further elements or other ornaments should appear next to the tag. Such criteria and viewpoints are used to define and measure the quality of your own tags and those of other writers.
Based on this, it is easy to see and understand that not each and every one, but a large number of the tags we encounter in the streets (and fortunately every once in a while still on trains) possess individuality and beauty as defined by the studied commitment to the task and the constant evolution of an individual, stylish tag honed by years of practice.



ZASD (onelines where the pen never leaves the surface)

Alphabet by ZASD

Alphabet by AKIM


But then again, sometimes it’s all about All Out Destruction…

by Mattias Indy Pettersson