Category Archives: music

>StSanders shreds!

>These videos have been floating around on YouTube for a while now, and they are really too good to be missed. This StSanders fella who makes these “shreds”-videos is a genius at what he does. I still laugh my ass off to the Metallica video, and I’ve watched it twenty times already.


Metallica shreds

Jake E. Lee shreds – Ozzy rules

Iron Maiden shreds

>The Reverend is dead!

>Originally posted August 19, 2007.

Reverend BizarreIII: So Long Suckers (2CD) Spikefarm Records

As much as this is a true revelation of doom, it is also the final death gasp spraying blood all over the doomed world, for this is the end of the almighty Reverend Bizarre – in my opinion the very best classic doom band ever. This is where the diabolatry of Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Saint Vitus and Witchfinder General all come together. And what a glorious ending! What a manifest of pure magick brilliance! This is meant to be worshipped now and forever, and I’m down on my knees already.

Christs may come and Christs may go, but Caesar is forever!

I was a bit disappointed with the II: Crush The Insects-album (2005). Too rockish, too childish, not enough war, not enough suffering, not enough natural selection… Not enough doom.
When discovering this unholy trinity that is Reverend Bizarre I was almost lost for words. In The Rectory of The Bizarre Reverend (2002) still stands out as one of the most amazing doom records ever to have graced my stereo with its presence. This was the ultimate doom. And then came the one hour long Harbinger of Metal EP (2003). Now that was the ultimate doom. Until now.

The light heavy weight metal on II: Crush The Insects is now forgotten (not the doom tracks on it, though…). I’m not saying it’s a bad album, but compared to what the Reverend is capable of, it sure was unsatisfactory.
However, listening to III: So Long Suckers (the title alone is just mindbending in its undoominess and fuck offy attitude!) for the first time I was immeditately hypnotized.
“So many great riffs, so little time…” – is that what they thought when finishing this album? It’s filled to the brim with beautiful, dark and ultra-heavy riffing, genius bass lines, masterful drumming that really comes alive, and the majestic vocals we’ve gotten used to, proclaiming the lyrics that are always somewhat reminiscent of the mighty Count Raven.
The song writing is jaw dropping (the two opening anthems are over 25 minutes long – each! – but still stunningly mesmerizing and purely magickal) and the production is by far their best ever – heavy, dark and crystal clear at the same time.

I’ll let the music, lyrics and artwork speak for themselves, but whatever you do: if you’re into classic doom – do not miss out on this masterpiece! This is 130 minutes of pure doom and socio-religious warfare. All hail Monsieur Earl of Void, Sir Albert Witchfinder and Father Peter Vicar!

However, if you’re one of those stressed out individuals with no patience, then this is not for you. Doom never was. You need time and patience, some calm space and an open mind. Only then will you be able to start quiet riots and rituals of doom and destruction…

I’ll close this review with the opening words of the opening track They Used Dark Forces/Teutonic Witch:

You say that I am evil, but you don’t know where I have been
If you could see some of those places, I bet you would be worse than me

>Music that matters: Sub Society

>Originally posted July 16, 2007.

This is where I’ll post some mpthrees that mean something to me. Mostly nostalgic stuff, obviously.
Here’s your chance to discover, or maybe rediscover, some great quality songs from the Indy archive.

Sub SocietyA Lot Less
I was a skateboarder for almost fifteen years. I still skate every once in a while, but now I suck and the cardio is gone. It’s still fun, though, and 180 Fs No Comply is still my favourite trick.
I discovered sooooo much fantastic music though skateboarding. And this was way before those lousy skate punk bands started to infect the scene. Before lousy skate punk, there was great hardcore (I refuse to call it skate punk!). That type of hardcore was wild, innovative, melodic AND harsh – the total opposite of lousy skate punk!

Sub Society had some great tracks in various H-Street videos, and A Lot Less is my favourite. I’m also totally psyched by The Isolator, so I’ll give you both. H-Street had very good music all the way; a lot darker, more grimy and weird than the usual NOFX crap. It suited their videos perfect.
I remember being totally devastated when Millencolin (a lousy skate punk band) made a cover of A Lot Less. They even misnamed it “A Whole Lot Less”… Mindfucked, stupid kids didn’t have a clue. The original is way better, dirtier and more sensitive. It brings back memories of what once was.

Listen to A Lot Less here. (from the Iceman 7″ (1990))
Listen to The Isolator here. (from the Relaxin’ 7″ (1991))
And here’s a whole bunch of Sub Society mpthrees from off their own site.

I got things to do, but it’s 25 degrees of hotness out there so fuck it: I’m going skateboarding.
No Comply!

Bonus clip: Ray Barbee, the smoothest skateboarder ever.

>Riotbrain vs Indy

>Originally posted July 11, 2007.

Riotbrain is a great place for freedom created by some soulful explorers. Examine their space, their blog, their minds… The interview with radio veteran Kjell Alinge is fantastic, and there’s much more to be discovered within the depths of Riotbrain.

I was honoured to write down some lines about music that changed my life. Well, not really changed my life, but stuff that made me change my ways of listening to music. Read my stories, along with those from Fredrik Strage, Emma Gray Munthe, Jan Gradvall, Matti Ståhlberg and Marcus Birro, here.
Always a pleasure. Always in Swedish.

Massive thanks to Magnus Gustafsson, Riotbrainer #1, for asking me to participate.

>Forget the swan

>Originally posted May 26, 2007.

When I found out that Dinosaur Jr would play a song at last nights Henry Rollins Show I immediately set my alarm clock. When the best band in the world appears on television that’s what you do. When I found out they were going to play Forget The Swan, their best song, the best indie song ever, one of the very best lo-fi tunes I’ve ever heard, I was almost moved to tears.
The song is featured on their first album, Dinosaur, which was released in 1985! This episode of the Rollins Show was aired in 2006…

The performance was flawless! I was down on my knees, all alone in my living room, worshipping the gods. No joke. The lyrics are so dark and twisted, and Lou Barlow’s emotionally haunted vocals were as moving as on the album. Mascis’ solo blew me away, as always, and Murph did his mad scientist style drumming as good as in the old days. Pure poetry.

Who, among similar bands, wrote stuff like this back in ´85?

This spell would be clear in non-tradition
And stepping on these pieces of pain and smirk
And rape goes through to sin my eyes
And shapes know where the heartache will lurk

Forget the swan, the dreams are gone
The pain goes on, they fly at dawn

Get the TV-clip here and download the mp3 here.
If you find it any good, here’s the three albums you should start off with.

>Tool and die

>Originally posted April 17, 2007.

NOV 2007 UPDATE: Click here.

The Virginia Tech Massacre.
30+ killed this time.
And still people ask the same stupid question: Why does this always happen in the United States of America – the land of the free, the biggest and best democracy in the world?
To answer this, once again I turn to rap music: one of the few genres where social realism and urban youth is allowed to collide head to head, no holds barred, free from moral restrictions (as we all know, punk and hardcore ought to be like this, but is far from it…).

Back in 1992 there was this pretty strange rap group called Consolidated. Strange because they were white, and strange because they were dealing with political issues on a higher level than most other rappers at the time. They weren’t in it for the fame. And not for the game either. They wanted world wide change. They were the white equivalent of Public Enemy, in a way, and they started already in 1989 unleashing the This is Fascism EP.
Their song Tool and Die is still as relevant today as it was back then, 15 years ago. Sadly, not much has changed. The NRA and the gun lobby are working hard for gun rights instead of gun control.

Download Tool and Die here, and get with the lyrics. Truly great stuff!
No lame bling-bling shit, this is true hardcore.
Can you deal with it?

ConsolidatedTool and Die

Damn, this is madness
its the fourth consectutive week I’ve had this
reoccuring nightmare of a woman who tries to walk her child to daycare
they pass some liquor store
see an average looking kid running out the door
in a moment frozen
they watch as he reveals a handgun
terror in her voice, no sound,
he unloads a round, her son goes down
then I wake up screaming but am I dreaming
cause its just another day
so many killings repeated until people have no feeling
when every two years guns take more
american lives than the whole vietnam war
Six teens and children die every day in gun homicides
and the NRA lobby fool
pay athletes to tell kids to stay in school
whoever said that must be joking
go tell that to the kids in Oakland,
DC. Detroit and Newark
and you wonder why kids don’t do their homework
the school is a warzone
teachers and students alike are afraid to leave home
hallways are an innocence tomb
the principal’s office a grieving room
this is a malignant cancer
guards and metal detectors won’t be the answer
hundreds of thousands of students say
they carry guns to school daily
growing up with fear and panic.
Bang – Nine – Automatic!

It’s genocide
America has the most homicides
Society devouring its own young
Take away the guns we need gun control

How can we stop the violence
when everywhere we look is the image of gun death
the Rodney King explosion is just one result of inner city erosion
take away all hope and kids will turn to robbery and dealing dope
you don’t care about elections
what urban youth want is protection
from a life of war
could be the Iraqi war or war in the Filmore
There is no more tragic sight
than a heavily armed youth with no respect for life
The leading cause of death in African American males under thirty five
at the funeral the friends will cry
but on the streets they tool and die
and Hollywood has done
more than anyone to glamorize the gun
movies, music and TV.
Its Genocide…can’t you see…
Got to take the profit out of crime
stop glamorizing death on primetime
Cities are the only places
where kids are waging arms races
in suburbs and rural areas
Across the country kids are carrying
three more hours and another teenage youth will have committed suicide
while his mothers crying
gun advocates are on TV lying
to the public
about how people are the ones who kill and guns don’t
until we have gun control
we can’t stop these ten year olds
from going in their father’s closet
were the gun was left unlocked and loaded
Where does it end?
When everyone gets their own piece, dividend

Driving down Guerrero
cut off a psycho kid looked like Sendero
Luminoso, words were froze so
I don’t start talking shit or acting macho
you could get popped in a minute
this is the wild, wild west and we’re in it
and my kids don’t want to play
when they have to worry about ducking spray
or two drunks having an argument
in front of our apartment
when I hear that sound
I yell: Everyone get inside and get down!

>The return……

>Originally posted March 08, 2007.

It’s been a long while since B-Girls got down.
T-Love said it, and she said it ten years ago. So where the fuck are all the ladies at? Being a woman in the rap scene is definitely not the easiest of tasks, but every once in a while it’s time for one of them to step up and shine.
I’m talking about MC’s who can rock the mic and spit lyrics that kill, and who’s got skilled producers to back them up.
We’ve got Lady Luck, What What, Sonja Blade, Leila K (!) and sadly not that many more (in my opinion and to my knowledge). Sure, there’s always underground female MC’s ready to pop, but they rarely show their skills. Too bad.
And please, don’t give me crap like Missy Elliot. She’s just super wack.
Lady Sovereign? Eh… Well, for fun maybe.
Lil’Kim? Hmm… Every once in a while. At least she’s portrayed really cool in this photo:

There’s probably some really cool female grime artists as well, but that’s not my kind of rap really, so I can’t speak about that.

So it was back in ´97 that T-Love made this super dope track Return of The B-Girl. She was supported by Kool Keith, one of the most sexist dudes in the whole rap industry, but also one of the very best. How awesome then that this amazing collaboration turned into one of the fattest hip hop joints ever.
Listen to the song and fall to your knees pissing. It’s that good.
Download the Return of The B-Girl mp3 here! Do it. Now.

And listen to the lyrics:

There’s a lot of girls rhymin on the mic with no direction
Don’t know why they flexin, forgot rules and lessons
The essence: beats and rhymes and shit
I’m about to show these bitches that I’ll die for this

It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you
Sorry for the wack shit you slept through

Yeah, it’s been ten years of wack shit. Where are you now? Please, I’d love a re-return of the B-Girl. Hear me now, T-Love.


And get this book: