As for The US presidential election 2008, scheduled for November 4, people ask “McCain” or Obama? Who’s the best?”. I’d rather rephrase that and ask: Who’s the least bad of these two guys?
Because let’s face it, the outcome won’t make such a big difference, at least not when it comes to foreign politics. US politics are not run by its presidents.
Choosing between two evils, I’d go for Obama. Simply because he’s an intellectual human being, but that’s pretty much it. McCain, a 73 year old soon to be dead Bush clone who has no problem forming an alliance with the Christian extreme right (and look at Sarah Palin, a member of the NRA, who is against abortion and who advocates that creationism could be taught alongside evolution in biology class!), should be no option at all, in my opinion.
Obama at least wants to improve foreign relations, but he’s still in the hands of the lobby and will be forced to be yet another marionette, or else he’ll be crushed. The lobby is that powerful.
As I see it, the most important thing is to get rid of the neocons and to make the Israel lobby less influental. Israel still remains the top recipient of US foreign aid, which is absolutely insane knowing the current state of the world. In February, Bush requested an aid budget of $20 billion dedicated to Israel, a 12 percent increase over 2007 (Egypt is the second largest recipient, at about $1.5 billion). Israel has plowed US money into developing technology companies and buying US weapons, which pretty much says it all. That kind of support won’t stop just because Obama becomes the next president. He cannot afford that.
With McCain as president the imperium of the United States will probably fall faster than expected… He will finish the failure and collapse that Bush started, and it will not be nice. Remember, they are both war presidents.
On another note: USA have its fair share of extreme nutcases (like every other country). Will they really accept a black president?